
Why Your Own Actions Betray You

There's another epidemic that's been plaguing the body of Christ for centuries; an overtaking of the enemy's lies that God does not bless or prosper His people. Many believers would say He does, but if you listen to them talk long enough; they will end up revealing what's really in their hearts. 

There is No Power in Saying the Name of Jesus

Read that title carefully; there is no power in saying the name of Jesus. There is power in His name, but not in simply saying it. The authority does not come from verbal expression, but from having it inside of you and wielding it! This is why right believing is vital to your victory.

How the Demonic Realm Affects Your Life

Many brush off the spirit realm as if it's not really a threat to them. If you're saved, it's not, but you have to believe that. I love to preach about the spirit realm; predominantly for two reasons; because I experienced both sides, and because I want to help prevent others from doing the same. But, there's someone I want you to meet who has a story that exposes a whole lot on the subject.

ADT Can't Protect You

There is a small degree of shock that can occur from the surprise of an alarm sounding. This may temporarily rattle a subject's train of thought; perhaps even deter them from entering your home. But when all is said and done, at the end of the day; ADT or any other home security system can't protect you.