
What is Real Worship?

What does it really mean to worship; is it raising your hands in church? What is true worship; is it jumping up and down? What is worship exactly; is it screaming or whew hooing? What is the actual meaning of worship? Well, take all of those outward appearances...and throw them out the window. Can worship manifest in those forms, yes. The outward, visible signs of worship can be seen in many forms; singing, dancing, painting, sculpting etc. In fact, that's how I was raised. I was taught from a young age that worshiping was ALL of that. 

I would get all emotional from the music, then commence being a marionette of demonstrative displays. But the true meaning of worship is simple...it's talking to the Lord; sharing your heart with him. When we have that established in our hearts, we are free to talk to him whenever we want, about whatever we want.  Raised hands and dancing don't mean someone's heart is truly worshiping. If you're truly worshiping though, it's likely you'll want to raise your hands and dance. However...don't feel guilty or bad if you don't. There is therefore now, no condemnation!

When I sought the truth from the Lord, He said the greatest form of worship is a surrendered heart; living a life fully surrendered, in every area to His will.