
It's Time to Let God be God

Children of God; it is time to understand who your Father is. It is time to step outside yourselves and get the revelation that you are not God. Seems self-explanatory; I mean, we know we’re not God right? If we know it, then why we do try to be Him? We cannot take care of ourselves better than He can. We cannot provide for ourselves better than He can. We cannot protect ourselves better than He can. We don’t know what we need nor want more than He does. In fact, apart from Him we can do nothing at all; let alone do it better.

It's Time to Dream Again!

When you were a child, you had a vivid imagination. You likely had invisible friends that you played with in an unseen play-land where everything was magical and anything was possible. As you got older, your imagination grew to a more advanced level, and the things you imagined became things you longed to do in your future. But somewhere along the way, someone began to tell you that you were just crazy; that your head was in the clouds, and whatever was going on in your mind was "just your imagination". For some reason; imagination wasn't valid and dreams weren't legitimate anymore.