
"The Great Commission" Is Not Why Jesus Died for You

How would it make you feel if the reason your dad spent time with you was to show himself off to everyone else? Would it hurt your feelings if the reason your spouse romanced you every day was to catch another's attention? How would your children feel if they were neglected because you spent your time loving on other people's kids and not your own? 

The Truth About Healing from Addiction

I used to not be able to explain the meaning of addiction. I had heard it said that it's not how often you use; rather how it affects your life. I heard of and understood things like rock bottom, denial, and emotional escapism as a way of coping and avoiding the natural spectrum of feelings. But in reading an article I wrote in March of 2012, I saw a statement that shocked me; so much so, I couldn't believe I actually believed it. 

What to Do When God Answers Your Prayers

God shows you a vision of your future. He gives you dreams of your destiny; where you'll go, what you'll do, and how many lives you'll impact. He prophesies to you through other people; confirming what you're called to, and what He has in store for you and your ministry. Yes; He has answered your prayers! Or has He? Our Father is so sweet to give us insight into His plans for us, but just because He may show us His plans; doesn't mean they will come to pass. 

What Happens if You're Caught in Adultery?

My husband and I recently spoke with a saved, spirit-filled, believer in Jesus Christ, whose belief system was that he could "lose his salvation". He didn't relate it to the daily walk with the Lord regarding protection, provision, good health and soul prosperity, but rather that he could lose righteousness; his right-standing with God. 

You Don't Have to Struggle the Rest of Your Life!

The purpose of this is not to bash specific programs or those who attend, but rather to highlight the subtle deception of the enemy and offer a definitive and permanent solution. I've traveled a lot the last couple of years; visiting addict recovery programs to love on the participants, encouraging attendees in their journey, and hearing testimonies of those who've been members for years, sometimes decades. 

Being Heavenly Minded Makes You Earthly Good

You may have heard it; "Don't be so heavenly minded that you're no earthly good." For lack of a more eloquent curiosity, "What in tarnation does that even mean?" Not only is it not scriptural; it's the exact opposite of what God says. Even more disheartening is that it's believers and leaders in the body of Christ who have this mentality. Christians trying to be more earthly minded is the precise reason why too many of their lives are in the condition they're in. Being heavenly minded is what God tells us to be; it's the crux of what causes us to actually be of earthly good.