
Grace is Not a License to Sin

I didn't live a life of sin and then get saved. No, I was saved at 13 then shortly after, spent the next 25 YEARS doing all the things I thought I missed out on. 1 Corinthians 10:21 reminded me I was drinking from the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons at the same time. I was under law, strong; which meant I was basing my salvation and righteousness on MY behavior. The first question I asked, when the Lord began teaching me about his gospel of grace, was the same question most people ask and you've likely asked yourself, "So, does this mean I can do what I want and get away with it, is it a license to sin?"...

Grace Has Nothing to Do with You

When the Lord first taught me his gospel of grace, I didn't understand the concept of me not working to earn being upright before the Lord. I'd get angry and even exude tirades; having worked so hard and now all of a sudden I find out there's nothing I have to do? I was watching my husband living a life of "receiving" and it made me furious! You mean to tell me that I've been bustin my butt all these years for nothin?" I was so mad that I fought back against it; even called my own husband a liar. But I thank God for extending me that grace in order to receive the revelation. It makes me SO upset that the enemy is lying to so many people, just like he did me...

Enemy Using Victoria's Secret

In Dumping Co's Who Support Your Disbelief, I shed light on how not spending money at an establishment because of their beliefs, won't solve problems. The inspiration came from an article regarding the CEO of Starbucks, who didn't want the business of anyone who believed in traditional over gay marriage. Shortly after, the Lord revealed a different perspective with a more disturbing situation; a letter that was written from the father of a 3 year old girl, to Victoria's Secret, regarding their new product line about to launch called "Bright Young Things". This sexy product is for "tween" girls...

Dumping Co's Who Support Your Disbeliefs?

Recently I saw an article posted on Facebook, regarding the CEO of Starbucks, who stated if anyone supports traditional marriages over gay marriages, they don't want your business. I thought this was a little odd; as typically it's the customers who don't want to do business with the company, not the other way around. This sparked a theory I've had for years, regarding logical questions geared towards you; the consumers who stop spending money at businesses because of what they support...

Humility or False Humility?

Have you ever heard someone say they don't want to have a lot of money because it becomes too big of a temptation? Do you ever say, "I believe we should live modest lives, be humble like Jesus"? If so, modest according to whose standards? If you have a 2Bed/2Bath home and maybe an instrument to enjoy your favorite hobby, your life seems extravagant to someone living in their vehicle. Yet to you, someone with a 6,000 sq ft home and 3 cars, might be lavish. Everyone's perspective is different, based on their own circumstances. If we are truly surrendered, it would behoove us to make things about Jesus, and not ourselves...

What is True Repentance?

How many times are you feeling guilty, thinking you need to repent to "get right with God"? Repentance isn't asking forgiveness every time you sin, so that you can get right with God. You are already right with God (righteous) if you accepted Jesus Christ. Repentance means "change your mind"; saying, "Lord, I'm done going my own way and I admit I need you." It is for those who have turned their backs on the Lord, which includes non-believers; but it's also for believers who decided they didn't want God anymore. As a believer, when you sinned, were you trying to turn your back on Him? Did you no longer want him or his will? If not, then you don't need to "repent".

How to Avoid Delaying Your Own Blessings

Some people don’t dream or think big because they’re basically scared or afraid; they think maybe it won’t happen or maybe they think it’s futile or wishful thinking. The Lord gives us passions for a reason. We didn't decide what we’re passionate about, that was all God, but most people walk in the abuse of it. A prime example is music artists who were called to be leaders in the body of Christ, but instead they’re sluttin' themselves out for album sales and video ratings...

Sin is Not a Barrier to Fellowship

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to earth, in the form of a human body, and removed the sin barrier by his substitutionary death on the cross and resurrection. If you've believed and confessed that, you received salvation. Why then now do you believe God doesn't fellowship with you when you've sinned? Did He not promise us He would never leave us or forsake us?

You Are Not Under Law

Are you asking, or have you ever asked yourself, any or all of the following questions:

Am I making right choices? Am I saying and doing all the right things? Am I making sure I do what others tell me is necessary in order to receive God's blessings for me? Is God going to punish me if I make a wrong decision? If I choose "this" option, will God turn a deaf ear to my prayers? How long will God withhold his love from me for having sinned? And the big one, has God turned his back on me for something I've done? You are not alone, but you can be set FREE! I had been under a mixture of Law and Grace my entire life. However, the "law" had a strong hold on me and was the ruling factor over everything else. Even from the age of a child, I was under constant pressure and fear that I would mess up or not measure up; not just in my earthly dad's eyes, but in God's eyes, and I was scared I wouldn't receive all of his blessings for my life. Worse yet, I thought I wouldn't see his will for my life come to pass if I didn't obey him. After all, what child doesn't want to make their daddy happy so they will say, "with you I am well pleased"...

You're Never Too "Whatever" for Fun

Has anyone ever told you that when you get older, that's the time to be more conservative; in your appearance, your dress, your job, your hobbies, your lifestyle etc.? In Ecclesiastes, it gives a list of all the things that "there is a time for". Included in that list is a time to laugh. There is a time to laugh and have fun. Deep down, everyone wants this, but how many of those same people, perhaps even you, believe that the time for fun and laughter is only when you're young...