
The Scriptures are Not Living and Active

There's something the enemy is deceiving believers with and it's leading them in the wrong direction. I've written about it before, but I want to shed light on it once again and expose the lies. You've heard it; “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword..." and that's where most preachers stop. 

The Quality of Parental Leadership is Found in the Children

Seems everyone these days, including parents, want to blame everyone and everything else for the way their kids are. We blame the school teacher, we blame the youth pastor, we blame our neighbors, and even movies and video games. But the truth we cannot escape is that children are the responsibility of the parents. It is mom and dad’s job to train up the child in the way he should go, so that when he is old he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22).

The Quality of a Husband’s Leadership is Found in His Wife

If you want to know the quality of a husband’s leadership; look at his wife. We’re told the pastor is “doing his job” if you see his wife smiling on the front row of service. We’re told he's a good husband if his wife is always by his side, supporting him, and involving herself in multiple ministries within the church. But I urge you to take a closer look.

The Quality of Church Leadership is Found in the Flock

Would it bother you to know your children weren’t being fed? Would you be okay seeing your children depressed, addicted to drugs, constantly sick, and in danger of losing their lives? Would it be okay with you if your children were neglected? What if you discovered the reason your children were in these conditions was because of you?

Why Do You Care What Your Kids Think?

By nature, parents want their children to know they’re good parents. We want our children to trust us. We want our children to believe we know what’s good for them. We want our children to know we care about their feelings. We want them to believe we only want what's best for them and that nothing we ever do is to hurt them. We want them to feel secure in our love for them.