
Faith It Til You Make It!

I've spent the last 3 months or so, listening to a lot of people tell me how I should be living my life, how I should be moving forward. Not just in St. Louis, but even here in TN, there are people everywhere who feel it necessary to tell me how I should be doing things because it's what worked for them. I've always had the head knowledge that everybody's path is different, but I wasn't able to apply it. Being a people pleaser, paired with knowing I should respect my elders and authority, I always did everything I could to do what all of those people were telling me to do. And most of the time, the advice pulled me in opposite directions. Can you say, "Chase my own tail much?" It's no wonder I've spent so many years tormented and emotionally exhausted.

It is All by God's Grace

In God’s will, is our peace. This explains and confirms mine. Though I still have work to do, the pressure of many asking “how are you going to fix this” and “how are you going to take care of that”, still resonates. Please hear this…I am not going to fix, take care of, or fulfill anything. Don’t you see, it is impossible for ME to do ANY of this.  My circumstances have gone way beyond my control. The only thing I must choose to do is trust my father in heaven. His plan for me is GOOD and “The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me” Psalm 138:8.