
Why Positive Thoughts,Vibes, & Energy Won't Work

People often hurt, and other people often have a desire to comfort the ones who are hurting; so I understand that in those attempts to console, sometimes things are said simply out of compassion. I have been musing for quite some time over a particular set of consolations that don't necessarily surprise me; they do however grieve my inner most being.

The Answer to the Question "Where is My Miracle?"

I'm seeing, hearing, and reading about so many believers who are questioning "Where is my miracle?" Many want to know why it hasn't happened yet and how long they have to pray before it comes to pass. If anyone understands this dilemma, I do. You can follow the journey here (The Holidays in the Making), but if there's one thing I've learned from the Lord over the last two years, it's that time is not a factor for God.

Word from the Lord on Sowing and Reaping

During my time with the Lord this morning, He revealed some things about sowing and reaping in the body of Christ. The Lord took me to Galatians 6:7  Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap." He told me that believers pull this passage out as an individual principle and make it be something it’s not. I asked Him for deeper wisdom and revelation about this and He told me to read Galatians 6:6-10 as He broke it down for me.

The Truth Behind Hoarding

I've recently watched several episodes of "Hoarders"; a documentary about people with obsessive-compulsive disorder who struggle to part with their belongings. The more I watched, the more I recognized how we try to fix the outside problems, only to see the internal issues unresolved. The scenarios are vast, but at the end of the day it all came down to one root issue; they weren't loved. Interesting that we were all created to be loved by our father; THE Father.