
Why Positive Thoughts,Vibes, & Energy Won't Work

People often hurt, and other people often have a desire to comfort the ones who are hurting; so I understand that in those attempts to console, sometimes things are said simply out of compassion. I have been musing for quite some time over a particular set of consolations that don't necessarily surprise me; they do however grieve my inner most being.

We've all heard these phrases "sending positive thoughts", "sending positive vibes", and "sending love and light". Perhaps you've also heard things like "the universe isn't aligned" or "I'm sending you positive energy from the universe". Yes, there is energy in the universe, but tell me this..what in the world does that even mean? Just how does one "send" some universe energy to another person exactly? What does that look like and what is that supposed to do for the person you're sending it to? Has anyone ever really stopped to think about what they're saying? The universe is not a being; it is not man or woman, it is not an entity, it is not a place that holds karmic retribution, and though there is energy in the universe, it most certainly does NOT have power. The universe was CREATED; created by the one who DOES have the power. 

I appreciate that there is compassion in the world, and this will likely make some of you very angry to hear me say, but if you are not a born again (of the spirit) believer of Jesus Christ, you are incapable of love. You have emotions, all human beings were created with emotions, but without the Lord, love is not in you. The definition of emotion is "a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others." Is this something you'd want sent to you for the sake of comfort; something that will forever change? Does receiving something that's consistently unstable sound comforting to you? Not to mention, this is why so many relationships end; because your love is based on those emotions and feelings that fluctuate, not actual love.

I also understand that religion leaves a bad taste in everyone's mouth. It leaves a bad taste in MY mouth, which is why I'm not a believer in religion, I have a relationship with Jesus Christ. On a side, but very important note; religion is a list of rules that each denomination created for you to follow with the belief system that doing so is what "gets you into heaven". It's not about religion, it's about a relationship; a list of rules cannot and will not give you eternal life! I repeat; FOLLOWING A LIST OF RULES WILL NOT "GET YOU INTO HEAVEN"!!!

The reason for this preface about religion is that it's coming across loud and clear that people everywhere are using these consoling phrases because they don't want to "offend" anyone. It's 2014, seriously? Are people really still doing this!?! Are we still letting our fear of what other people think literally control us? 

Jesus is love, and because I have the spirit of the living Lord inside of me, I love all people. For me personally, this means I love you enough to tell you the truth even when you don't want to hear it and even at the expense of losing you from my life. True love doesn't just sit back and do nothing, while the one you love is hurting themselves. I understand if you're not a believer and follower of Christ that you have no choice but to "send positive stuff" because you have nothing else to give; but if you are a believer and follower of Jesus Christ, why are YOU afraid to just flat out PRAY? Unfortunately, there will always be some who are ashamed of the gospel and those who are suppressing the truth (check it out, it's biblical).

LISTEN UP! You actually don't have to believe this for it to be true, but there is a God; one God who is above all other Gods and He is known by many names. His son Jesus Christ (the Messiah) is the ONLY way you will not only spend eternity in heaven, but He is the ONLY way you can have life here on earth! As far as sending people your compassion via these methods of invisibleness, GOD is the ONLY one who can help and prayer is the way to communicate with God! If you're afraid to even use the word prayer, it's likely you don't even believe prayers work, in which case for you, they won't!

This whole God vs the devil thing is REAL. The heaven and hell thing is REAL. After you die, and for the rest of eternity (which means forever, it never ends), you WILL spend it in one place or the other; whether you believe in it or not. But it's not just about your eternal life; there are benefits here on THIS earth! One of them is the power of prayer. You can't pray to the universe because it has no ears to listen to you. It has no heart to care about you. It has no power to change your life or the lives of others. It was created, just like you, by the ONLY ONE who does have the power to help those in need. 

Sending positive anything will never do anything, let alone anything good, for the person you're sending it to. And be honest with yourself, you can't send positive energy and vibes, they have no means of transportation. Even saying "you are in my thoughts" does no one any good because your thoughts have no power over someone else's life; only your own! From a human relational stand point it makes us "feel" good to know others are thinking of us and it does affect our hearts. From a spiritual standpoint, which is the real one, thoughts have no power to effect someone else's life. Your compassion will not benefit anyone by sending them energy, what they need is the power of God, through prayer, to intervene in their lives. 

Again, this may sound harsh; but with all of the hurt, pain, and suffering in the world, there's no time for us to sit around playing fairies. We need to give them the help they truly need instead of squabbling over words that might offend them. Help from God is what they need; not careful selection of vocabulary!


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