
Changing the Nation is Not Priority

There's too much concern about "changing the nation" and not enough concern about letting God change us as individuals. Only Jesus can do that, and He can only do it with those who allow Him to. Yes, even as believers, there are some who are not allowing God to change them; to grow their faith.

Who is Your Provider?

I've got some news for women; news that may shock and possibly even offend some of you, and here it is...YOUR HUSBAND IS NOT YOUR PROVIDER. Thankfully, this is not Carissa's news, it's the word of the Lord. Psalms 23:1 says it best; "THE LORD is my Shepherd [to feed, guide, and shield me], I shall not lack". THE Lord is the one who feeds me, guides me, and shields me.

Are You Trying to Gain by Your Efforts?

Oh, foolish Galatians! Who has cast an evil spell on you? For the meaning of Jesus Christ’s death was made as clear to you as if you had seen a picture of his death on the cross. Let me ask you this one question: Did you receive the Holy Spirit by obeying the Law of Moses? Of course not! You received the Spirit because you believed the message you heard about Christ. How foolish can you be? 

Are You Pretending because the Truth Hurts?

Have you ever met someone who speaks greatly of a loved one, only to find out that the truth is the exact opposite? Have you boasted about someone you love, giving them a highly regarded reputation, knowing that what you've said about them isn't actually true? All too often people embellish the truth about others because deep down they desperately want that person to be someone they're not.

God is Not Angry with You

If you are a believer, there is GREAT news! God can never be mad at you! God WILL NEVER be angry, upset, or disappointed with you; He can’t be, and He promised his children that He will never be angry with them again. 

Have You Reached the End of Yourself?

What exactly does this question mean and how do you know the answer? The question is simple; are you tired of doing things your way when they never work out? The answer is even simpler; you may say often that you're fed up, but if you're still in the same situation you've been fed up with, you're not fed up enough.

Examples of Condemnation Darts

In "What is Condemnation", I reveal the detailed truth behind Satan's attacks with condemnation. Condemnation is literally the only tool (weapon) your enemy has to use against you. It's his oldest trick in the book, he will never come up with anything new, and he'll use it every single time; regardless of who you are, your situation, or whether or not you're even a believer...

Why Your Emotions Don't Matter

Webster's Dictionary states that emotion is "a conscious, mental reaction (as anger or fear) subjectively experienced as strong feeling, usually directed toward a specific object and typically accompanied by physiological and behavioral changes in the body." Nowhere in the Bible does it say we are our emotions. However, your enemy wants you to think you are, so that you'll respond to them, instead of the truth...

How Do I Put on the Armor?

The Lord gave me a HUGE revelation and I pray it will be an enlightenment for you! I have allowed the Lord access to do whatever necessary in my heart, so that I could be whole. In the beginning (and for a particular area of deliverance), He gave me some scriptures to put on index cards, and asked me to say them every day; allowing it to strengthen my inner man. Through the processes of these transformations, I had become so upset at times; not knowing what to do when I was thrust into a self-induced panic mode! I'd be in a position where insecurity tried to creep in or an old mindset would try to take over, and the first thing I did was quote those scriptures...

Encouragement from the Lord

The Lord has recently been downloading oracles to me like crazy and I know they will be encouragement to you as well. As I started to type this, the Lord decided to speak to me even more and has asked me to write it all here! He said "It will benefit your readers, but it will also be beneficial to you now, and in the future"...

How to Overcome Sin

Have you done things repeatedly that you know are unworthy of who you are and you find yourself stressing because you don't understand why you keep doing it? Have you made a judgement vow; promising to never do it again? Did you purposely make an effort to "do good" for as long as you possibly could, only to fall short? Here is a revelation that will set you free...you don't overcome sin by trying not to sin!

What is Condemnation?

Condemnation is a lie from Satan. In fact, it's the ONLY tool he can use against you and he will ALWAYS use it so you'll question your trust in God and your identity. However, there is only one way the enemy can and will succeed in his attacks on your life, and that is when you aren't trusting the Lord...

Believers ARE Worthy & Deserving

Are you a believer living under condemnation? Are you believing Satan's whispers that you aren't worthy of God's goodness? Has the enemy told you that you aren't who you think you are? Has he convinced you that you're not entitled to be healthy and prosperous in every area of your life; both tangibly and spiritually? Are you receiving the lies of your enemy? If you are, then the answer is yes; you are living under condemnation.

Did God say, "Eat until I say that's enough"?

When I first married my husband, the first thing the Lord did through him was change my paradigm; establishing me in His gospel of grace. What I wasn't prepared for was to witness my husband's lifestyle and consider him to be the most haughty man I'd ever met! I'm not kidding; I thought he was an egocentric jerk who used God as an excuse to be selfish.

As He Is, So are We!

1 John 4:17 says this, "Love has been perfected among us in this, that we may have boldness on the day of judgement because as He is, so are we in this world." So are we...where; in heaven? When we die? No, so are we IN THIS WORLD. Who you are and your standing in Christ is now based on Jesus, not you! Is Christ righteous? So are you in this world!

Are You Suppressing the Truth?

Because of my redemptive gift (we were all created with redemptive gifts. You can find them in Romans 12:6-8; prophet, servant, teacher, exhorter, giver, ruler, and mercy), it is a much stronger feeling for me to see justice prevail; to see wrongs made right. When musing over the fact that when Jesus returns, EVERY single person will bow and confess that Jesus is Lord, it makes my redemptive very happy. 

What is Your Redemptive Gift?

Redemptive gifts! We all were created with them; heart motivations, natural tendencies, weaknesses etc. Secular Psychiatrists will use terms such as personality traits to determine where we are mentally, but the truth is that God created us all with specific motivational gifts, and He did so in order to fulfill his plan for the body. Whether or not you're a believer and whether or not you're using your gift for good or evil, everyone was created with one of these...and for a Godly purpose.

You Weren't Created to Love or Please God

You were created to be loved! Did you hear that? You were created to BE LOVED, by the creator and God of the entire universe; He made you so HE could love YOU! God did not create you to love Him; He doesn't need you to love Him because He IS love. He has and IS everything and is fully sustained. Jesus Himself tells us in Psalm 50:12 "If I were hungry, I would not tell you, for all the world is mine and everything in it." This is a message of Grace!

Grace to Get Into Heaven

A man dies and goes to heaven. St. Peter meets him at the pearly gates. St. Peter says, "Here's how it works. You need 100 points to make it into heaven. You tell me all the good things you've done, and I give you a certain number of points for each item, depending on how good it was. When you reach 100 points, you get in."

Not Legalism but Christ

I want you to know how much I have agonized for you and for the church at Laodicea and for many other believers who have never met me personally. I want them to be encouraged and knit together by strong ties of love. I want them to have complete confidence that they understand God’s mysterious plan, which is Christ himself. In him lies hidden, all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. I am telling you this so no one will deceive you with well-crafted arguments. For though I am far away from you, my heart is with you. 

Salvation is Not an Insurance Policy

I recently heard of someone who said they saw "salvation" as an insurance policy. This makes what Jesus did for us sound like a business deal or transaction, if you will. True, he did pay a price, but he didn't die so we could just make it to heaven. He died so that we could have life on earth and have it abundantly. John 10:10 "the thief comes only in order to steal, kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows). 

1 John 1 is Not for Believers

If you have been taught, been raised with or believe that 1 John 1 is for believers, this article will show you truth, according to God's word. There are scriptures upon scriptures that shed truth about 1 John 1. Below, I break down each verse to dissect what exactly John is saying. It's all supported by additional scripture that includes his own writings. I encourage you to read these scriptures for yourself and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal His truth...

The Law Still Exists; but it's the End of Following It

It is by God's grace that I extend it to those who are still under a mixture of law and grace (new wine/old wine skins). I too was once STRONG under law; so much that I didn't even know what grace was! Given the privilege of being established in the gospel, gives me great compassion for those who are yet to be reached. I didn't want to believe ANY of it, but now that I know the truth, it's hard for me to understand why I fought it and why anyone else would want to fight so hard to uphold the law, when scripture clearly says, you never can and you never will...

Put Your Esteem in God, Not Your Spouse

While having lunch at a local grocery store one day, I could overhear a group of ladies talking behind me. A woman from the bank that was located inside, came to talk with this group of ladies. They asked her if she was on her lunch break, she replied with a hearty yes. They then asked her what she was going to eat. The woman sighed heavily and replied by saying, "I'm not sure yet. I was thinking of maybe getting a hamburger from the counter." When I heard the ladies' response, I thought it was the most hurtful thing, until I witnessed the woman's reaction...

Spiritual Implications of Cat and Mouse

We all know the cliche story of the "cat and mouse"; cat sees mouse, cat chases mouse, mouse gets scared, mouse hides. Someone told me a story once about a family member's own personal cat and mouse chase. The spiritual implications were so obvious and uncanny that it was hard for me to understand how anyone wouldn't see just how much we're all like that scared little mouse... 

Ignore Your Circumstances

Are you where you expected to be? Did you have dreams for your life, but just never did anything about it? Did the Lord ask you to do something some time ago, but you didn't do it for multiple excuses? Have you ever looked back on your life and wished you would have done the one thing you were passionate about, but instead ended up doing what society demanded? Did you ever think you would have done things differently if your circumstances were better?"

Father's Day Letter

Dear Dad,
I knew you watched over me when I was growing up; standing guard in every corner, while I slept. I knew it was you who picked me up and held me when all I wanted was to be loved. I knew you protected me from threats that I was unaware of and that you saved me from harm. I knew you talked to me even when I wasn’t listening and I knew you were listening even when I wasn’t talking. I knew you cared about every tear I cried, every smile I made, and every dream or desire that was within me. I knew that in the midst of all the painful relationships I experienced, you always reminded me that you loved me more than anyone else ever could. I knew you were...

God Isn't In Complete Control

GASP! What did you just say? What do you mean God isn't in control; such blasphemy! Many believers think that God is in complete control of their lives, simply because they're born again believers. Your steps aren't even ordered unless you are surrendered to following Him; we order our own steps by not surrendering our hearts and will. The Lord gives you the freedom to choose to say yes to Him. So then, how is God not in control if I'm saved, you ask?

Where is God in Disasters?

SO many people are worried and confused about all of the natural and thoughtfully executed disasters that have taken place over the years. No one seems to understand why these tragedies are happening all around us or what our world is "coming to." It's not because of gun laws. It's not because of legalized dope. It's not because of violent video games, the economy or even our government. There's only one reason and the bible is clear about it...

If It's God, Then Say So!

I have attended many churches, multiple church groups, fellowship with many other believers and heard a multitude of preachers and teachers speak. I'm flooded with mixed feelings about how so many leaders choose to share a word from God. My initial reaction is a teaspoon of shock, afterwards, a dash of hurt, followed by a cup full of righteous anger. The two most frequent sayings used to preface a word from our Lord are "I believe" and "In my opinion"...

You Are Made Right with God Through FAITH

"Obviously, the law applies to those to whom it was given, for its purpose is to keep people from having excuses, and to show that the entire world is guilty before God. For no one can ever be made right with God by doing what the law commands. The law simply shows us how sinful we are. But now God has shown us a way to be made right with him without keeping the requirements of the law, as was promised in the writings of Moses and the prophets long ago. We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are"...

You Are Not Made Right with God By Obeying the Law

Yet we know that a person is made right with God by faith in Jesus Christ, not by obeying the law. And we have believed in Christ Jesus, so that we might be made right with God because of our faith in Christ, not because we have obeyed the law. For no one will ever be made right with God by obeying the law.” "But suppose we seek to be made right with God through faith in Christ and then we are found guilty because we have abandoned the law. Would that mean Christ has led us into sin? Absolutely not! Rather, I am a sinner if I rebuild the old system of law I already tore down"...

Would You Like Salvation Based on Opinions?

In "What Is True Repentance", I talk about how being under law makes you sin conscious and how you will never measure up; hence Jesus' sacrifice. I discuss why basing your righteous standing and salvation on repentance means you're actually basing it on everyone's opinions, since everyone will see sin differently. One example I use is wine; some may think having a glass of it is a sin, but others may not. In reminding believers of the sins they do every day, that they don't even realize are sins, the Lord led me to go deeper; to show just exactly how ridiculous it is to try and adhere ourselves to the "law"; even though he did already say he set us free from it...

Do You Really Want Deliverance?

If the Lord told you that he had the BEST opportunity for you, something FAR beyond what you could dream up, and all you had to do was surrender your plans to him, would you do it?  You'll likely give an animated, "YEH, of course I would!" Then ask yourself, "Are you willing to fully surrender to the Lord, if it means going into lack?" You'll still probably say something like, "Sure, I'll suffer for Christ." Now ask yourself, "Are you willing to fully surrender to the point of quitting your job, selling your home, donating all of your belongings and not knowing where you'll live?"

Would You Like to Waste Your Life When You Grow Up?

Are you passionate about a cause or hobby? Are you gifted in the arts? Are you starving to share information or products that you know will benefit others? Are you a natural born athlete? What's that business you wanted to start? Are you aching to be a teacher or leader of a group? Are there classes you want to take, places you want to travel, empires you want to build or problems you want to solve? Do you want to have a family, climb a rock wall, quit your computer job to be a youth pastor, bypass college math to become a dancer or be a personal trainer? What do you day dream about, imagine, foresee and visualize for your life? Now, why are you letting people hold you back from doing it?...

Grace is Not a License to Sin

I didn't live a life of sin and then get saved. No, I was saved at 13 then shortly after, spent the next 25 YEARS doing all the things I thought I missed out on. 1 Corinthians 10:21 reminded me I was drinking from the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons at the same time. I was under law, strong; which meant I was basing my salvation and righteousness on MY behavior. The first question I asked, when the Lord began teaching me about his gospel of grace, was the same question most people ask and you've likely asked yourself, "So, does this mean I can do what I want and get away with it, is it a license to sin?"...

Grace Has Nothing to Do with You

When the Lord first taught me his gospel of grace, I didn't understand the concept of me not working to earn being upright before the Lord. I'd get angry and even exude tirades; having worked so hard and now all of a sudden I find out there's nothing I have to do? I was watching my husband living a life of "receiving" and it made me furious! You mean to tell me that I've been bustin my butt all these years for nothin?" I was so mad that I fought back against it; even called my own husband a liar. But I thank God for extending me that grace in order to receive the revelation. It makes me SO upset that the enemy is lying to so many people, just like he did me...

Enemy Using Victoria's Secret

In Dumping Co's Who Support Your Disbelief, I shed light on how not spending money at an establishment because of their beliefs, won't solve problems. The inspiration came from an article regarding the CEO of Starbucks, who didn't want the business of anyone who believed in traditional over gay marriage. Shortly after, the Lord revealed a different perspective with a more disturbing situation; a letter that was written from the father of a 3 year old girl, to Victoria's Secret, regarding their new product line about to launch called "Bright Young Things". This sexy product is for "tween" girls...

Dumping Co's Who Support Your Disbeliefs?

Recently I saw an article posted on Facebook, regarding the CEO of Starbucks, who stated if anyone supports traditional marriages over gay marriages, they don't want your business. I thought this was a little odd; as typically it's the customers who don't want to do business with the company, not the other way around. This sparked a theory I've had for years, regarding logical questions geared towards you; the consumers who stop spending money at businesses because of what they support...

Humility or False Humility?

Have you ever heard someone say they don't want to have a lot of money because it becomes too big of a temptation? Do you ever say, "I believe we should live modest lives, be humble like Jesus"? If so, modest according to whose standards? If you have a 2Bed/2Bath home and maybe an instrument to enjoy your favorite hobby, your life seems extravagant to someone living in their vehicle. Yet to you, someone with a 6,000 sq ft home and 3 cars, might be lavish. Everyone's perspective is different, based on their own circumstances. If we are truly surrendered, it would behoove us to make things about Jesus, and not ourselves...

What is True Repentance?

How many times are you feeling guilty, thinking you need to repent to "get right with God"? Repentance isn't asking forgiveness every time you sin, so that you can get right with God. You are already right with God (righteous) if you accepted Jesus Christ. Repentance means "change your mind"; saying, "Lord, I'm done going my own way and I admit I need you." It is for those who have turned their backs on the Lord, which includes non-believers; but it's also for believers who decided they didn't want God anymore. As a believer, when you sinned, were you trying to turn your back on Him? Did you no longer want him or his will? If not, then you don't need to "repent".

How to Avoid Delaying Your Own Blessings

Some people don’t dream or think big because they’re basically scared or afraid; they think maybe it won’t happen or maybe they think it’s futile or wishful thinking. The Lord gives us passions for a reason. We didn't decide what we’re passionate about, that was all God, but most people walk in the abuse of it. A prime example is music artists who were called to be leaders in the body of Christ, but instead they’re sluttin' themselves out for album sales and video ratings...

Sin is Not a Barrier to Fellowship

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to earth, in the form of a human body, and removed the sin barrier by his substitutionary death on the cross and resurrection. If you've believed and confessed that, you received salvation. Why then now do you believe God doesn't fellowship with you when you've sinned? Did He not promise us He would never leave us or forsake us?

You Are Not Under Law

Are you asking, or have you ever asked yourself, any or all of the following questions:

Am I making right choices? Am I saying and doing all the right things? Am I making sure I do what others tell me is necessary in order to receive God's blessings for me? Is God going to punish me if I make a wrong decision? If I choose "this" option, will God turn a deaf ear to my prayers? How long will God withhold his love from me for having sinned? And the big one, has God turned his back on me for something I've done? You are not alone, but you can be set FREE! I had been under a mixture of Law and Grace my entire life. However, the "law" had a strong hold on me and was the ruling factor over everything else. Even from the age of a child, I was under constant pressure and fear that I would mess up or not measure up; not just in my earthly dad's eyes, but in God's eyes, and I was scared I wouldn't receive all of his blessings for my life. Worse yet, I thought I wouldn't see his will for my life come to pass if I didn't obey him. After all, what child doesn't want to make their daddy happy so they will say, "with you I am well pleased"...

You're Never Too "Whatever" for Fun

Has anyone ever told you that when you get older, that's the time to be more conservative; in your appearance, your dress, your job, your hobbies, your lifestyle etc.? In Ecclesiastes, it gives a list of all the things that "there is a time for". Included in that list is a time to laugh. There is a time to laugh and have fun. Deep down, everyone wants this, but how many of those same people, perhaps even you, believe that the time for fun and laughter is only when you're young...

Miracle or Manipulation?

In 2012, when I set out to pursue the true callings on my life, I was accused of using my story for my own personal gain. I've been verbally bashed, slandered, and de-friended; in some cases I've even been de-familied for one reason or another. Thankfully, by the Grace of God, I don't hold anger or resentment towards anyone; I know that not everyone understands or is comfortable with my level of surrender to the Lord (nor do they understand me, which is okay because I didn't even understand me until I discovered my "Redemptive Gift"). I thought it might be helpful (or at the least, interesting) to put myself in someone else's shoes, by conducting a mental experiment. I wanted to see if it was actually possible for me to make things happen for myself. Check out what I discovered...

God's Love Language is Not Obedience

Too many Christians are feeling guilty that they don't obey the Lord or love him enough. They're striving to be after "God's own heart"; wanting to speak his love language. The key is knowing and allowing the Holy Spirit to fully establish us in his truth...God's love language is not obedience, it's FAITH. Obedience is the natural bi-product; fruit.

Dreams & Visions from God are Real

Within the last week, the Lord revealed my role in the body of Christ, as well as my redemptive gift.  Despite those roles and gifts, the Lord speaks to me often (as he does with all of his children who will listen), but one of the most predominant ways he speaks to me is in visions. I’ve actually had this gift since I was a child (Redemptive gifts are a birthright, even for non-believers), but I just didn’t know what it was back then. Having been reading about the redemptive gifts; what they mean and how they define so much of why we are the way we are, it’s all beginning to make sense. What’s awesome is that I’m not the only one to have these dreams, visions and words from the Lord. You know who else had them?...

You Can't Wave a Debit Card at Satan

As single believers, the Lord is your provider. Once you’re married, the Lord doesn't just hand that responsibility over. The Lord is still your provider, for both of you. How many single women have you heard want their independence, yet what they want in a husband is someone who works hard and is a good provider? The more money he makes, the better off they think they'll be…

To Believe or Not to Believe

Recently I posted a prayer request on Facebook; a request for the manifestation of a healing I had already received. I’m aware that when I make my business public knowledge, I subject myself to scrutiny and that the possibility for misunderstanding and misinterpretation is highly likely. First, allow me to apologize to anyone who may have been offended by my statement that I wasn’t going to see a doctor. My prayer request was not an attack on anyone who sees doctors, nor was I saying I don’t believe in them or that God doesn't heal through them…

Self Esteem Doesn't Come in a Bottle

I was looking at my Facebook news feed recently, and appearing in the right margin was an ad that read, “You’re over weight and unconfident? Try this!” This struck a major chord for me; as severe low self-esteem had me in bondage up until as recently as October of 2012. Confidence and self-esteem come from many sources, but they do NOT come in a bottle…

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

I’m making myself vulnerable by discussing my mother’s death. I realize this is a sensitive topic for some, including myself, but it’s important that I share what the Lord has revealed to me. I am not the first person to ask the question, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” Since being married to a prophet of God, my faith has grown tremendously, all glory to my Lord Jesus Christ! I've learned a LOT about God’s love, I've been established in his gospel of grace, and learned a whole lot about Satan’s sneaky tactics. For a long time, one of the biggest questions I had was, “Why did God allow my mom to die?” My mom was a born again Christian, killed about 13 years ago. To make a very long story short, while in the hospital, on her way to recovery, the nurse on staff gave her the wrong drug. For several, it was easy to blame God, even those who didn't believe in him. We were all hurting with the same question, “why?”…

Don't Play on the Monkey Bars

You’re at the park. Your dad tells you that you can play on anything except the monkey bars, because you’re not old enough and he knows you’ll fall off and hurt yourself. Just when you think your Dad’s not looking, you mosey over to the monkey bars and climb on. Before you hit the first rung, you fall. Your dad quickly steps in and catches you. The next day you go back to the park. Dad says you can play on anything but the monkey bars because you’ll fall and hurt yourself. You quickly run for the monkey bars, get half way up and fall. Your dad sees you fall and steps in to catch you. This happens repeatedly; you’re told not to play on the monkey bars because you’ll get hurt, you play on the monkey bars, fall and your dad catches you. Until one day, you climb on the monkey bars and this time, your dad lets you fall. You hit the ground and it hurts, BAD. You question your dad, “Why did you hurt me?”…

Expect the Best and Prepare For It!

Growing up, I was consistently taught to "expect the best and prepare for the worst". Initially I thought this was sheer genius. However, as I got older, I realized that living by this tag line was doing nothing but setting me up for failure! Oh the number of scriptures I could use here to show how this goes against the very essence and definition of FAITH...

The Best Kept Secret to Intimacy

You talk on the phone, share stories about your day, go for a walk, eat dinner, watch a movie, and take the kids to the park. You glance into each others eyes, snuggle at bed time, hold hands, laugh at each others jokes and finish each others sentences. You even sacrifice your own desires for the sake of the other. It's all so blissful that you tell your friends, "We never even fight"...

Do You Feel Like You're Making a Wrong Decision?

Do you ever struggle with making a decision because you're afraid you'll make the wrong one? Do you worry that if you make the wrong decision, the Lord will be displeased with you or that somehow your life will be messed up? The truth is, there is no right or wrong decision when you're following the Lord...

"Just Popped In" Theory...Exposed

As a Christian, have you ever had a thought and wondered where it came from? Has anyone ever asked you, "What made you think of that?"  Has your response ever been, "I don't know, it just popped in my head"? For years I've been responding with this same conclusion, the "just popped in" theory. However, recently I've discovered that those thoughts, the ones that somehow just pop in, aren't coincidence; they were strategically placed, and for good reason...

With Public Exposure, Comes Persecution

The queen of Sheba heard about Solomon and his connection with the name of God. She came to put his reputation to the test by asking tough questions. She made a grand and showy entrance into Jerusalem; camels loaded with spices, a huge amount of gold, and precious gems. She came to Solomon and talked about all the things that she cared about, emptying her heart to him.

A Real Man Isn't Defined by His Bacon

When women are asked the question, "Why do you love your husband?", their responses are similar; "Because he works hard, he makes a good income and provides for our family." When men are asked, "What makes you a good husband?", they typically respond with "I work hard to pay the bills, put a roof over my family's head and put food on the table." There is certainly nothing wrong with working to bring home the bacon...IF that's what God tells you to do...

It's Not About the Work, It's About His Will.

I have personally experienced and witnessed the undeniable magnitude of people who firmly believe that getting a job (working a 9-5) is a must; that it's the only way we can expect to provide for ourselves and our families.  Worse yet, some believe it's the only way we can expect the Lord to bless us. I understand now, it stems from pure fear of "doing the right thing", A.K.A. not understanding God's promises.

Blessings in Believing

Blessings in Obedience 
The old testament law still exists; it's perfect, holy, and its purpose is to bring people to Jesus. Jesus fulfilled the law; which means we are no longer made acceptable to God by obeying it. It is true that when we trust the Lord to do as He personally instructs, there are blessings in what He says; but our new covenant has only two commands..."believe in the one who was sent, and love one another the way Jesus loves us"! Romans 10:4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness, to everyone who believes...