
Have You Reached the End of Yourself?

What exactly does this question mean and how do you know the answer? The question is simple; are you tired of doing things your way when they never work out? The answer is even simpler; you may say often that you're fed up, but if you're still in the same situation you've been fed up with, you're not fed up enough.

There are many reasons why we don't want to fully surrender to God's will, but the umbrella for all of them, is fear. We don't want to go through what God might ask us to go through. You're afraid it will be too hard, too uncomfortable or too inconvenient. It's easier to delve into work, kids, and normal everyday life rather than deal with heart issues. The unfortunate truth here is that this seemingly good lifestyle is deceiving. 

Some of you may be afraid that if you do things God's way, you won't get to achieve what YOU wanted in life. You were designed with your specific passions, drives, and aspirations and they were meant for two reasons; your enjoyment, and for the body of Christ. But if you pursue your dreams at the expense of our soul, you will end up empty, and ironically dissatisfied with your achievements anyway. Some of you have even been deceived as to what your real passions are. You've said no to your true calling for so long, and  discovered something new you're good at; so you work as hard as you can to be the best at it. The enemy has tricked you to STOP you from doing what you were created to do! Just because you may be good at something, doesn't mean it's what you were created to do. Sometimes it is, but often we settle for second best.

Some of you have something to prove; to yourself and to the world. Some of you feel like you've never accomplished anything great, so you're dead set on doing things your own way. The Lord has tried to protect you and gave you warnings, but you ignored them. When disaster struck, instead of recognizing it for consequences of not trusting (disobedience), it drove you to push even harder to prove yourself. This will only end in further disaster and I too was guilty of all of it.

Where is your trust? Are you really trusting in God and who He's called you to be or are you trusting in the accolades of others? Saying we trust God means nothing if we are not open to WHATEVER he might want us to do. Are you seeking God because you want HIS will for your life, or are you seeking God because you want him to help you with YOUR plan for your life? When you put your trust in Him, do what He asks of you along the way, and allow Him to BRING YOU into your destiny you will be fully prepared for it; and you will accomplish 100 times greater than what you could have on your own. 

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