
What is Condemnation?

Condemnation is a lie from Satan. In fact, it's the ONLY tool he can use against you and he will ALWAYS use it so you'll question your trust in God and your identity. However, there is only one way the enemy can and will succeed in his attacks on your life, and that is when you aren't trusting the Lord...

Condemnation is the "root" of every problem or sin in your life. Actually, it's a sin itself. The moment you receive it and believe it; he hits you with fear then stress, which then leads to a magnitude of manifestations. In this illustration inspired by Pastor Joseph Prince, the "symptoms" are easy to spot. You'll recognize them as sickness, sadness, jealousy, financial lack, anxiety, depression, and so on. But beneath the surface, lies stress then fear, then condemnation; the deepest root issue.

There are three areas Satan will attack, and in strategic order. First, he'll hit your trust in the Lord. Second, he'll hit your identity. Thirdly, he'll strike you with fear. This is exactly how he did things in the Garden of Eden, Remember? He doesn't have any  new tricks! First, the serpent asked Eve, “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?” BAM – Placing doubt about God; can you really trust Him? Secondly he said, “You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and YOU WILL BE LIKE GOD, knowing good and evil.” BAM – Placing doubt about herself; her identity. Eve was ALREADY LIKE GOD because she was made in His image, but when the enemy attacked, she didn't trust God and she didn't know her identity. Thirdly, he hit Adam and Eve with FEAR; they sewed fig leaves together and clothed themselves, why? In Genesis 3:10 Adam says, "I heard your voice and I was AFRAID..." 

Your enemy comes like a slithering snake with things like "You don't love God; you're not doing enough for Him." "How can you call yourself a Christian when you'd rather watch football than go to church?" "You only read your bible for 15 minutes today, you don't care about knowing Jesus." "If God really loved you, why would He let that happen to you?"

The more you receive condemnation, the stronger the enemy will use law against you. The bottom line of condemnation is this: the enemy will ALWAYS try to get you to question God, question your identity, and he'll keep your attention on gauging how good you think you are! He will always try to get you to focus on you; what you're doing, what you're thinking, what you're saying, your spiritual disciplines. The more you focus on you, the more you'll measure your works. The more you measure your works, the more condemnation you'll receive. The more condemnation you receive, the more guilt you'll feel and the more you'll try to "do right" (obeying a list of commands and laws). The more you try to do right, the more wrong you'll do because it's not humanly possible for you to follow the list!

Satan's attacks will always come. However, once you're made aware of what condemnation is, you'll be able to spot the enemy's lies when he begins to whisper in your ear. His attacks can be no match for you when you're established in God's grace; knowing your sins are already forgiven, ALL of them (past, present and future)! I encourage you to read and recite Romans 8. Let is penetrate your inner man and allow the Holy Spirit to renew your mind AND soul!

Examples of Condemnation Darts

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