
Did God say, "Eat until I say that's enough"?

When I first married my husband, the first thing the Lord did through him was change my paradigm; establishing me in His gospel of grace. What I wasn't prepared for was to witness my husband's lifestyle and consider him to be the most haughty man I'd ever met! I'm not kidding; I thought he was an egocentric jerk who used God as an excuse to be selfish.

I was raised being taught that though God does want us to have things, that we should live modestly. This teaching caused me to fear asking God for things and when I did, I never asked Him for what I wanted. I only asked Him for what I thought He was willing to give. That is, until the Lord showed me His truth about my inheritance, in THIS world! 

There are three passages the Lord showed me; revelation He gave me regarding who He really is and what His grace is really about. In Mark 8, there was a large group of people who'd been with Jesus for three days and they had nothing left to eat. He took the mere seven loaves of bread and a few fish from his disciples, blessed it, then told them to distribute it. Mark 8:8 says this "They ate as much as they wanted. Afterward, the disciples picked up seven large baskets of leftover food." Do you see it? They did NOT eat "as much as God was willing"; they ate AS MUCH AS THEY WANTED! When they were done, there were even seven full baskets of leftovers! This is our God! Both accounts in Mark 6 and Luke 9 reveal the same truth. Jesus multiplied five loaves and two fish for thousands of people. See again how they did NOT eat "what God was willing to give them", but they ate ALL THEY WANTED and there were still 12 full baskets of leftovers! Jesus came so that we may have life and have it more abundantly! HALLELUJAH!

Have you been irritated by someone who is not intimidated by taking the last portion at supper time? Have you become angry when you hear someone boldly ask God for things that seem ridiculously extravagant to you? Often times believers will become offended by this and not even know why. They'll more than likely feel what I felt, that the person is greedy and arrogant. However, it's only by truly knowing who you are in Christ that this revelation can be received. The reason you might become offended is because you don't know who you are in Christ and you aren't receiving what you are actually ENTITLED to, because of Jesus! The more you let go of pre-conceived notions and old mindsets and the more you allow the Holy spirit to help you understand how good God actually is, the more you will be able to RECEIVE His grace and HIS abundance!

As He Is, So are We in This World
Believers ARE Worthy & Deserving

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