
Miracle or Manipulation?

In 2012, when I set out to pursue the true callings on my life, I was accused of using my story for my own personal gain. I've been verbally bashed, slandered, and de-friended; in some cases I've even been de-familied for one reason or another. Thankfully, by the Grace of God, I don't hold anger or resentment towards anyone; I know that not everyone understands or is comfortable with my level of surrender to the Lord (nor do they understand me, which is okay because I didn't even understand me until I discovered my "Redemptive Gift"). I thought it might be helpful (or at the least, interesting) to put myself in someone else's shoes, by conducting a mental experiment. I wanted to see if it was actually possible for me to make things happen for myself. Check out what I discovered...

God's Love Language is Not Obedience

Too many Christians are feeling guilty that they don't obey the Lord or love him enough. They're striving to be after "God's own heart"; wanting to speak his love language. The key is knowing and allowing the Holy Spirit to fully establish us in his truth...God's love language is not obedience, it's FAITH. Obedience is the natural bi-product; fruit.

Dreams & Visions from God are Real

Within the last week, the Lord revealed my role in the body of Christ, as well as my redemptive gift.  Despite those roles and gifts, the Lord speaks to me often (as he does with all of his children who will listen), but one of the most predominant ways he speaks to me is in visions. I’ve actually had this gift since I was a child (Redemptive gifts are a birthright, even for non-believers), but I just didn’t know what it was back then. Having been reading about the redemptive gifts; what they mean and how they define so much of why we are the way we are, it’s all beginning to make sense. What’s awesome is that I’m not the only one to have these dreams, visions and words from the Lord. You know who else had them?...

You Can't Wave a Debit Card at Satan

As single believers, the Lord is your provider. Once you’re married, the Lord doesn't just hand that responsibility over. The Lord is still your provider, for both of you. How many single women have you heard want their independence, yet what they want in a husband is someone who works hard and is a good provider? The more money he makes, the better off they think they'll be…

To Believe or Not to Believe

Recently I posted a prayer request on Facebook; a request for the manifestation of a healing I had already received. I’m aware that when I make my business public knowledge, I subject myself to scrutiny and that the possibility for misunderstanding and misinterpretation is highly likely. First, allow me to apologize to anyone who may have been offended by my statement that I wasn’t going to see a doctor. My prayer request was not an attack on anyone who sees doctors, nor was I saying I don’t believe in them or that God doesn't heal through them…