
Let's Get Really Real about Real Women!

For decades, the media has force fed us images of what is deemed the "perfect woman". Television commercials, magazine covers, and music videos, have gorged us with what society has unconsciously accepted as the ideal image; causing us women to feel we don't measure up. Even store-front mannequins are weapons that have preyed on the insecurities of women of all ages. While some advocates of healthy self esteem, such as the Dove Evolution of Real Beauty campaign, have outed the obvious Photoshop'd distortions of the reality of women; the revised version that displays women of all shapes, sizes, and builds, still isn't the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

God Does Not Choose Tragedy and Death

In a moment of tragedy, it's the natural response of our emotions to cling to what we feel brings us solace. A lot of us cling to the fact that God must have a reason; but sadly, even more of us hold on to the fact that God must have chosen for it to happen. When disaster strikes or when someone we love passes away, it makes our emotions feel better to believe there is a higher purpose. The truth...is that God did not cause it, nor did He have anything to do with it. 

Boasting of Jesus is Not Arrogance

There seems to be some controversy about John, "The disciple whom Jesus loves." It's been said there are many people who find it arrogant that John refers to himself in that way; being that all of the disciples were loved by Jesus. While it is true that all of the disciples, as well as all of us, are loved by Jesus, NOT everyone is willing to receive it.

Helping Others Isn't Helping

I've heard it, you've seen it, everyone has known about it from somewhere; the cliche that if you're feeling down and out, helping someone will make you feel better. While it is true you'll get a junkie rush from your shot of "I did my good deed", whatever you were feeling prior to that fix doesn't go away. 

Blessings Aren't Earned

Do you worry that if you make the wrong decision, the Lord will be displeased with you and withhold blessings from you? Though there are multiple scriptures I'll reference here, I can sum this entire article up with one sentence: The Lord blesses us for one reason; because He loves us; not because we earned it.

Have You Given Up on Your Gift?

God gave EVERYONE their desires, passions, and gifts; believers AND non-believers. True, they are ultimately for His glory, but He wants us to ENJOY them! If there is a passion inside of you, it is there for a reason, but there is NO reason to feel guilty for indulging! Whatever passions and gifts were given to you, it was knowing you would be good at and enjoy them. Why in the world would a Daddy who created us for the sole purpose of loving us, give us desires with no plan to carry them out?

Do You Help Out of Love or Approval?

How many people have you heard say they refuse to give money to someone on the street because they don't want to enable alcohol or drug abuse? How many times have you seen a fellow believer in need and the church turned them away because of "protocol"? How many of you are guilty of these things yourselves? How much longer will we help others based on whether or not WE think they are worthy of it? How many times will we request "time to pray about it" when the Lord presents us an opportunity to give?

Waiting on The Lord

Too many people miss out on their destiny and blessings simply because they get tired of waiting.  They say, “I’ve been waiting and waiting and nothing is happening” or “I’m not waiting anymore, I’m tired of it; I’m gonna do it on my own!” How can you possibly be mad at and blame God, when you’re the one who chose to take matters into your own hands? He is a GOOD Daddy; He sees all, He knows when you are ready for certain things in your life, He knows when you can handle certain blessings, and only He knows the dangers you’ll face that you aren’t aware of. We want things and we want them now, but He knows we would hurt ourselves if we had it now; and we often times wouldn’t even enjoy what he gave us because there are things going on in our hearts that would prevent us from doing so.

You Thought He Came to Bring Peace?

In a magazine with the feature story entitled "Christianity: Good or Bad for America?", one of the debaters (a non-believer) posed the question "If Jesus came to bring peace, why are there people killing people?" Ultimately, we know that Jesus is peace, but He is very clear that what He came to do was stir things up!

Greedy is Greedy

Many people say they don’t want a lot of money because there's too big of a temptation to become greedy. Not-so-good news flash, if you’re greedy, you’re greedy; and greed is there whether you have millions sitting in your checking account or only $20 to your name. But rest assured if your trust is in your money, that truth that's in your heart will often times only be more revealed, the more you have. 

Your Father is Not a Task Master

Have you seen God as a dictator; some supreme being that bosses us around like a drill sergeant; bringing down His gavel of punishment when we don't comply? I knew God loved me and I knew my sins were forgiven, yet I lived in an unhealthy fear of Him; afraid He would reprimand me, afraid to make a wrong decision, and afraid to do anything at all for fear he would withhold blessings. I saw Him as my master, not a good Daddy.

Fears Plaguing Believers about False Idols

The Lord has instructed me to address some matters of the heart that He takes very seriously; starting with holiday celebrations. It's often said that the most popular Christmas customs; including Christmas trees and mistletoe, are new age embodiments of pagan rituals. While it is true that Christmas originated from Pagan revelry, the only reason is because the Pagan's were worshiping the trees that they later brought into their homes and decorated. They were worshiping the trees.