
Why There is No One to Blame but Ourselves

This morning I overheard a woman talking with her dad about how badly people drive. She talked about the dangers of texting and driving and how amazed she was at the number of people who still do it. She also mentioned that texting and driving is how she got into her last accident.

When Drinking Lemonade is a Sin

When indulging in various goods, I often hear people say phrases like "I worked hard for this". A challenging one for me to hear was "We finally get to take a vacation because we earned it after 4 years of school." What does school have to do with a vacation? What about getting away with your spouse because you love each other and you want to have some fun together? Admittedly, I have used similar phrases in the past; not when replacing a car battery or paying rent, but every time I did something I enjoyed. Whether buying body spray or renting a movie; I always felt the need to validate the expense.

It's Time to Let God be God

Children of God; it is time to understand who your Father is. It is time to step outside yourselves and get the revelation that you are not God. Seems self-explanatory; I mean, we know we’re not God right? If we know it, then why we do try to be Him? We cannot take care of ourselves better than He can. We cannot provide for ourselves better than He can. We cannot protect ourselves better than He can. We don’t know what we need nor want more than He does. In fact, apart from Him we can do nothing at all; let alone do it better.

It's Time to Dream Again!

When you were a child, you had a vivid imagination. You likely had invisible friends that you played with in an unseen play-land where everything was magical and anything was possible. As you got older, your imagination grew to a more advanced level, and the things you imagined became things you longed to do in your future. But somewhere along the way, someone began to tell you that you were just crazy; that your head was in the clouds, and whatever was going on in your mind was "just your imagination". For some reason; imagination wasn't valid and dreams weren't legitimate anymore.

Things Can Change Instantly or Through a Process

Have you ever asked the Lord for something that took a long time to get? Have you ever had dreams that you thought would come true sooner than later; only to discover they still haven't happened yet? Are you waiting for an answered prayer, and you just don't understand why things are taking so long? God is a good Father who wants to bless His children, but often times a "suddenly" blessing would actually hurt them.

The Difference Between TV and Real Life

Sounds funny huh? I promise I'm going somewhere with this. I used to watch the Bachelor and the Bachelorette “religiously” when they first came out. I watched as the men wooed the woman, awed by the extravagant dates and treatment they lavished on her, and saying things like, “I WANT THAT”, and “THAT’S SO NOT FAIR!”

Faith is More than Just Believing

Many children of God go to church every Sunday, but there is no victory in their lives. Many children of God pray every morning, but are being defeated throughout the day. Many in the body of Christ are performing various spiritual disciplines, yet their lives are full of marriage struggles, disobedient children, jobs they hate, sickness, family strife, and even death.

The Scriptures are Not Living and Active

There's something the enemy is deceiving believers with and it's leading them in the wrong direction. I've written about it before, but I want to shed light on it once again and expose the lies. You've heard it; “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword..." and that's where most preachers stop. 

The Quality of Parental Leadership is Found in the Children

Seems everyone these days, including parents, want to blame everyone and everything else for the way their kids are. We blame the school teacher, we blame the youth pastor, we blame our neighbors, and even movies and video games. But the truth we cannot escape is that children are the responsibility of the parents. It is mom and dad’s job to train up the child in the way he should go, so that when he is old he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22).

The Quality of a Husband’s Leadership is Found in His Wife

If you want to know the quality of a husband’s leadership; look at his wife. We’re told the pastor is “doing his job” if you see his wife smiling on the front row of service. We’re told he's a good husband if his wife is always by his side, supporting him, and involving herself in multiple ministries within the church. But I urge you to take a closer look.

The Quality of Church Leadership is Found in the Flock

Would it bother you to know your children weren’t being fed? Would you be okay seeing your children depressed, addicted to drugs, constantly sick, and in danger of losing their lives? Would it be okay with you if your children were neglected? What if you discovered the reason your children were in these conditions was because of you?

Why Do You Care What Your Kids Think?

By nature, parents want their children to know they’re good parents. We want our children to trust us. We want our children to believe we know what’s good for them. We want our children to know we care about their feelings. We want them to believe we only want what's best for them and that nothing we ever do is to hurt them. We want them to feel secure in our love for them. 

How to See God's Promises in Your Life

We are in a war. Granted, it's a war that has already been won, but nonetheless, it's a war. Our battle is the fight of faith. Scripture says it's the "good fight" of faith; and rightfully so, considering we already have the victory. However, scripture also repeatedly says, "I believe, therefore I speak." From a heart of belief; there is only one way to actually live like you've won. 

What are You Seeing and Hearing?

Once Adam & Eve ate off the wrong tree; the Lord knew we would be bombarded with false ways of thinking and doing things. This is why He tells us in Romans 12:2, “do not conform to the ways of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind”. But how do we renew our minds?

"The Great Commission" Is Not Why Jesus Died for You

How would it make you feel if the reason your dad spent time with you was to show himself off to everyone else? Would it hurt your feelings if the reason your spouse romanced you every day was to catch another's attention? How would your children feel if they were neglected because you spent your time loving on other people's kids and not your own? 

The Truth About Healing from Addiction

I used to not be able to explain the meaning of addiction. I had heard it said that it's not how often you use; rather how it affects your life. I heard of and understood things like rock bottom, denial, and emotional escapism as a way of coping and avoiding the natural spectrum of feelings. But in reading an article I wrote in March of 2012, I saw a statement that shocked me; so much so, I couldn't believe I actually believed it. 

What to Do When God Answers Your Prayers

God shows you a vision of your future. He gives you dreams of your destiny; where you'll go, what you'll do, and how many lives you'll impact. He prophesies to you through other people; confirming what you're called to, and what He has in store for you and your ministry. Yes; He has answered your prayers! Or has He? Our Father is so sweet to give us insight into His plans for us, but just because He may show us His plans; doesn't mean they will come to pass. 

What Happens if You're Caught in Adultery?

My husband and I recently spoke with a saved, spirit-filled, believer in Jesus Christ, whose belief system was that he could "lose his salvation". He didn't relate it to the daily walk with the Lord regarding protection, provision, good health and soul prosperity, but rather that he could lose righteousness; his right-standing with God. 

You Don't Have to Struggle the Rest of Your Life!

The purpose of this is not to bash specific programs or those who attend, but rather to highlight the subtle deception of the enemy and offer a definitive and permanent solution. I've traveled a lot the last couple of years; visiting addict recovery programs to love on the participants, encouraging attendees in their journey, and hearing testimonies of those who've been members for years, sometimes decades. 

Being Heavenly Minded Makes You Earthly Good

You may have heard it; "Don't be so heavenly minded that you're no earthly good." For lack of a more eloquent curiosity, "What in tarnation does that even mean?" Not only is it not scriptural; it's the exact opposite of what God says. Even more disheartening is that it's believers and leaders in the body of Christ who have this mentality. Christians trying to be more earthly minded is the precise reason why too many of their lives are in the condition they're in. Being heavenly minded is what God tells us to be; it's the crux of what causes us to actually be of earthly good.