
"The Great Commission" Is Not Why Jesus Died for You

How would it make you feel if the reason your dad spent time with you was to show himself off to everyone else? Would it hurt your feelings if the reason your spouse romanced you every day was to catch another's attention? How would your children feel if they were neglected because you spent your time loving on other people's kids and not your own? 

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say none of these things would make you feel good; let alone cause you to know you're loved. This is exactly what too many children of God make Him look like when they think the only reason He created us or blesses us is for the benefit of others. Can you imagine if every time someone asked Jesus to save them; some else got saved instead?

This is precisely why so many believers are living stressed, over-scheduled, sick, unrested and unsettled lives. This is exactly why too many marriages are suffering idolatry, strife, division and a multitude of other demonic influences. Their goal is ministering to and helping as many people as possible, at the neglect of God's own priority order; you first, your marriage second. Spouses are worshiping ministry and even their own pets; by putting more time, energy, and heart into them than their own spouses then 10 years later still wondering why their marriages stink.

Yes, the Father's design is for lost souls to be saved; but "The Great Commission" is not why Jesus died for you. John 3:16 does NOT say, "For God so wanted you to get people saved that He gave His only son." Jesus died for YOU because He loves YOU; because He wants a relationship with YOU, because He wants YOU to be free, He wants YOU to be whole, He wants YOU to be healthy, He wants YOU walking in the fruit of the spirit, enjoying YOUR life, and having Godly, strong, successful marriages and relationships! All of these things will inevitably affect and reach other people, but it is for YOUR benefit first because your Father loves you. 1 Timothy 6:17 says that God gives us all things richly to ENJOY; how can we enjoy the things God gives us if our main goal is to give it away? At some point, somebody has to receive. 

I am ALL for blessing others; in fact, I am beyond excited to bless the mess out of a lot of people and ministries in my lifetime, so this isn't about keeping everything to ourselves. What I want to point out is that we shouldn't so quickly gloss over what Jesus did for us, and give you some things to think about. 3 John 1:2 does NOT say, "Beloved, I pray that everyone else but you may prosper in all things..." It says, "I pray that YOU would prosper in all things, and be in good health even as your soul prospers". Yes, if you're obedient, you'll help others, but it is always for YOUR benefit first. What good does it do for you to tell others about a God who heals when you are always sick? How good is the good news when you tell others about getting saved by a Jesus you think will leave you and forsake you? What good does it do to tell lost souls about a Jesus who forgives when you don't even know how forgiven YOU are? John 8:32 does NOT say, "you will know the truth and the truth will make others free"; it will make YOU free. 

It won't be possible for you to live a happy, full, and satisfied life if your first priority is serving others. 3 John 1:4 says, "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in the truth"! It is actually by us walking in the truth; in the fullness of who we are and in God's divine order that we'll be able to reach others to a greater magnitude. It's not by us "DOING" things that will most effectively reach the lost; it is by us "BEING" who God created us to be!


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