
What to Do When God Answers Your Prayers

God shows you a vision of your future. He gives you dreams of your destiny; where you'll go, what you'll do, and how many lives you'll impact. He prophesies to you through other people; confirming what you're called to, and what He has in store for you and your ministry. Yes; He has answered your prayers! Or has He? Our Father is so sweet to give us insight into His plans for us, but just because He may show us His plans; doesn't mean they will come to pass. 

When God reveals glimpses of our future to us; it's what He wants to have happen, but it's not guaranteed. Why? Because we have to say yes; not only to the vision, but to the process! Whether you're 8 and just gave your life to Christ or 70 and have been idle in your walk for 50 years; He wants to equip you to handle the magnitude of your giftings. The problem is that we say yes to the vision and "no way" to how He wants to get us there.

Take for example; many of you (including churches) today are praying for love and unity in the body. I don't know what each one expects it to look like; but have you considered that the Lord may be starting with you as an individual? Perhaps God has sent strangers among you to stir things up? Perhaps the change you've been praying for starts with God getting you to consider your own ways; revealing things in your heart that wouldn't otherwise have been exposed if not for the ones He sent? Perhaps He's putting you in position to walk in love; not just in word and tongue, but in action and deed?

When I finally gave up and gave in to God, I asked Him to do whatever He needed to in order to heal my heart and life. I had my process all figured out; I'd go to some counseling, pray, and maybe cry a little, right? WRONG! Instead, He told me to marry a Prophet; a man of God who would spend the next couple years loving me through insecurity, anger, and lashing out over deep rooted issues that had nothing to do with him! I went through what I considered hell; being offended and faced with things I didn't want to face. I had a choice, as do we all; either trust our Father who loves us to receive the correction and discipline or say no, stay angry at God, and forfeit the greatest life we could ever have.

Maybe it's a mindset that needs to change to reflect the truth about God's character. Maybe the enemy has twisted the word of God and planted a wrong belief system. Maybe it's a higher level of excellence in obedience to the faith that will establish deeper roots of God's personal love for you above ministry to others. Regardless the request; if we're going to pray for God's vision for our lives or the church to come to pass; it would be in our best interest to broaden our perspective, open our hearts to the Lord, and allow Him to do things the way He knows they need to happen.

Consider that the change you want to see in the world; begins with you, and when God answers your prayers...say "Yes Lord", no matter what it "looks like"!


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