I used to not be able to explain the meaning of addiction. I
had heard it said that it's not how often you use; rather how it affects your
life. I heard of and understood things like rock bottom, denial, and emotional
escapism as a way of coping and avoiding the natural spectrum of
feelings. But in reading an article I wrote in March of 2012, I saw a
statement that shocked me; so much so, I couldn't believe I actually
believed it.
Originally, I had written the following, "By definition, an addict will always be an addict and continue to struggle every day, for the rest of their lives, even after being sober for 20 years." Another statement I made in that same article was, "Addictions are typically genetic, combined with tragic events and bad experiences; and I believe can only be healed by God, as well as anonymous groups, therapy and a good support system." Hush your mouth Carissa!
By Webster's definition; addiction is characterized by compulsive
engagement in rewarding stimuli, despite adverse consequences, and to the
logical mind it does look like something passed down genetically; either by DNA
or simple behavioral habits. PRAISE GOD for teaching me the TRUTH because
by God's definition, addiction is anything that exalts itself above Him; whatever you go to in order to get needs met that only God was meant to meet. The
genetic trail is not DNA, but demonic!
The moment we accept that addiction is spiritual in nature;
that's the moment we can receive what's actually necessary to stop it once and
for all! Yes, it does generally get passed down generation through generation,
but that's because the devil will keep on until or unless someone stops him.
Though your mom or dad had addictions or maybe their mom and dad had addictions
or maybe addiction has been in your family for so long that you don't know
where it originated; you have the ability to choose to put an end to it.
I will say from personal experience that there are times we
say we want change or for things to be different, but sometimes it's easier to
blame genetics for the sake of staying comfortable in our misery. Listen, you
can stop the cycle by taking a stand for yourself...if you want to! But the
more than good news is that you don't have to do it alone; in fact, all it
takes is a decision in your heart then God does the rest!
I'm not talking about behavior modification; simply slowing down or not
indulging for a period of time. I'm talking about heart transformation; being
transformed by the renewing of your mind to the truth of God's goodness and
what He's done for you. I'm talking about being established in a belief system;
not a bunch of stuff you have to do or stop doing. I'm talking complete freedom with the
addiction having NO POWER over you in any way for as long as you live!
There may are practical things you may deal with like
physical or emotional withdrawal symptoms, mood changes or a case of "what
the heck is going on with me", and I'm not saying therapy groups and supports systems can't be beneficial at all. What I am saying is that God alone is able to deliver
you from whatever you're struggling with; He WILL set you free indeed! He will
show you who He is, who you are in Him, and you won't struggle anymore! You
will be able to enjoy your life instead of being tied to the routines shackled
by addiction. Healing begins with a choice; a decision in your heart to want it to stop. Healing ends when you invite God in to do the work! Besides, He already finished it on the cross; all you need to is RECEIVE!
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