
What Happens if You're Caught in Adultery?

My husband and I recently spoke with a saved, spirit-filled, believer in Jesus Christ, whose belief system was that he could "lose his salvation". He didn't relate it to the daily walk with the Lord regarding protection, provision, good health and soul prosperity, but rather that he could lose righteousness; his right-standing with God. 

The question, "So you believe in once saved, always saved?" makes it sound like Jesus dying for us once and for all was some sort of fad that went out years ago and you're not cool anymore if you believe it. Instead of breaking down doctrine and theology, I'd like to simply share what took place during our conversation with this believer; as I trust the simplicity of the gospel will cause the Holy Spirit to open your heart to what Jesus really did for you.

As we started speaking truth by the spirit of the Lord, he grew more and more agitated. He began asking a series of questions, one right after another, and he became fairly angry; you could see that the idea of security in Christ made him uncomfortable. His questions all started with, "So what if Jesus comes back right now and you are doing xyz"; bringing up multiple possibilities of what might cause Jesus to remove His spirit from you and send you to hell. 

The kicker was his final question..."What if Jesus came back right now and He caught you in the act of adultery; you think you'd still go to heaven?" For any of you who believe you can lose your righteousness and have asked this or similar questions, I encourage you to read John 8:1-11. The woman who actually was caught in the act of adultery and Jesus did not condemn her. The woman knew she was sentenced to immediate death, but Jesus did NOT condemn her and He let her go.

So think about this; if Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever, how can you answer the question, "If Jesus came back right now and you were caught in adultery; do you think you'd go to heaven?" You see, just like that woman caught in adultery wasn't condemned; neither are you! This isn't to encourage adultery; in fact, when you have a genuine heart to follow the Lord and you understand just how loved and forgiven you are, sin will fall off and you'll no longer have those desires!

If you haven't received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, it doesn't matter what you do; you'll spend eternity in hell. If you are a born again Christian, I really want to encourage you to consider; if it were true that every time you "messed up" in your actions, your Father who loves you removed His spirit from you, and you were condemned to hell; how is that the "GOOD news"? Didn't He promise He would never leave or forsake you....

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