
What are You Seeing and Hearing?

Once Adam & Eve ate off the wrong tree; the Lord knew we would be bombarded with false ways of thinking and doing things. This is why He tells us in Romans 12:2, “do not conform to the ways of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind”. But how do we renew our minds?

Scripture also says that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God; that’s why it’s vital what we see and especially hear on a consistent basis. Our minds need to be renewed to the truth about God. He wants to unravel old mindsets and establish new ways of thinking and doing things; the way His Kingdom and His people in it were always intended to operate.

Is there really any surprise why so many people are afraid of so many things? A very high percentage of Americans watch or read the news every day; particularly every morning before going to work. Of those people; how many are always having bad days, are grumpy, and are probably the downer of the office? Of those same people; how many of them have struggling relationships, disobedient children, and constant worries of how they're going to take care of things?

Whatever we are listening to or watching the most; those are the things we will end up putting our faith in. The world will actually tell you that "you have to keep up with world events", "you can't be naive about what's going on in the world", and "you're not wise if you don't know what's happening around you". I pose this question, "is it true wisdom to fill your mind full of filth and fear then expect your life to reflect anything different?"

We all know what's going on in the world; lying, cheating, stealing, murder, manipulation, kidnapping, rape, child molestation, hijackings, and many other vial things. Do we really need to watch the news every day to know this? Some would argue that they want to know if these things are going on near them, so they can protect themselves. I would argue that if you gave your life to the Lord and let Him get the truth about Him deep into your hearts; you wouldn't be worried about any of that because you'd know none of it is going to happen to you (Psalms 91:10 no evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near you). Then you could enjoy your life and spend it doing the things you were created to do; the things you love and are passionate about. 

I often say this, "None of God's promises are true for you unless you believe it for yourself". If you don't believe God will protect you, then how can you be under His protection? Everything is by faith. Which brings me back to what are you seeing and hearing? I challenge you to try something new, something different; I challenge you to put down the newspaper and leave off the TV. I challenge you to find out what God says about your life instead of letting the world dictate it for you. I challenge you to step out in faith to believe what GOD says about you and your life and see if your life doesn't begin to change.

Faith will always come when you renew your mind; but what you feed it will determine what you have faith in.

How to See God's Promises in Your Life
Being Heavenly Minded Makes You Earthly Good
What is Faith Without Works?

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