
It's Time to Let God be God

Children of God; it is time to understand who your Father is. It is time to step outside yourselves and get the revelation that you are not God. Seems self-explanatory; I mean, we know we’re not God right? If we know it, then why we do try to be Him? We cannot take care of ourselves better than He can. We cannot provide for ourselves better than He can. We cannot protect ourselves better than He can. We don’t know what we need nor want more than He does. In fact, apart from Him we can do nothing at all; let alone do it better.

Do not let logic get in the way of receiving what God has for you; faith is not logical. When God says He wants you to have an abundant life; stop trying to justify yourself out of it. When God says by His stripes you are healed and you can live a life free of sickness of any kind; stop trying to reason why that’s not possible. When God offers you a promise; don’t let your logical thinking talk you out of it. Reprogram your logical thinking and renew your mind to the truths of God before you reason yourself out of another blessing.

Our spirits know the truth, but our souls need to be renewed so we can have the capacity to believe the fullness of God's goodness. Here's an example; have you stopped to marinate on the truth that if you belong to Christ, you are an heir of the world? Have you pondered the magnitude of what it means to be an heir of the world? Romans 4:13 reads, "For the promise that he would be the heir of the world was not given to Abraham or his seed through the law; but through the righteousness of faith." Romans 8:17 "and if children, then heirs-heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ..." 

You are Abraham's seed; which makes you an heir of the world, an heir of God and a co-heir with Christ. The problem for many is the 2nd half of that verse, "...if indeed we suffer with Him that we may also be glorified together." In order to receive your inheritance; you must also suffer with Him. That's the point where too many children of God stop, and end up living beneath how they were created to live. This not only affects your quality of life here on earth; but it drastically affects the degree of glory you will get to experience when you get to Heaven. Everything the Lord wants us to walk in here affects us when we get there.

Remember, your enemy is the one whose goal in your life is to steal, kill, and destroy; and he works through the thoughts in your mind. Don't continue letting him deceive you. Don’t lay down and take it; stand up and fight for what’s righteously yours!


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