
Faith is More than Just Believing

Many children of God go to church every Sunday, but there is no victory in their lives. Many children of God pray every morning, but are being defeated throughout the day. Many in the body of Christ are performing various spiritual disciplines, yet their lives are full of marriage struggles, disobedient children, jobs they hate, sickness, family strife, and even death.

If faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God as we're told in Romans 10:17; why then are lives not being transformed? The answer is in verse 14, "But before the people can pray to God for help, they must believe in Him." 

Hebrews 4:2 breaks it down so eloquently in the ERV, "Yes, the good news about it was told to us just as it was to them. But the message they heard did not help them. They heard it, but did not accept it with faith." You can listen to pastors preach all day long, but without a surrendered heart of faith to believe what you're hearing; it will not help you.

We are fighting the good fight of faith; without faith, whatever we do in deed is just going through the motions. But if indeed you do believe; then put action to it and speak. If you do indeed believe that life and death are in the power of your tongue then speak words of life.

We can’t be hearers only, but doers of the word; not just because it's what God says, but He says it because He knows faith is the only way to receive what He has for us. If we hear the words, but don't use our faith to step out on those words for ourselves; we don't stand a chance against the enemy or of walking in the promises of God. It's one thing to say you believe in the Lord; it's another thing entirely to follow Him.


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