
The Quality of a Husband’s Leadership is Found in His Wife

If you want to know the quality of a husband’s leadership; look at his wife. We’re told the pastor is “doing his job” if you see his wife smiling on the front row of service. We’re told he's a good husband if his wife is always by his side, supporting him, and involving herself in multiple ministries within the church. But I urge you to take a closer look.

Though support in the ministry comes with the package; seeing someone smile on the outside doesn’t mean jack. You would likely be shocked at how many believers, including pastor’s wives, you see smile at church on Sunday; are actually miserable and suffering. We have placed a millennium long pressure on men that their role as a husband is to be the financial provider. We’ve convinced them that their main purpose in tending to their family is to get a job that pays the bills. And that is the number one reason why husbands are leading wrongly, wives are not being sanctified, and marriages are failing; we have changed the definition of “head of the home”.

God gives us the meaning in Ephesians 5:25-28, “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.” Nowhere in there does God say that the man’s role is to provide financially.

There are women everywhere who are married to wealth, living in extravagant homes, driving plush vehicles, and doing whatever their hearts desire. These same women are in turmoil; lonely because their husbands work all the time, finding false comfort in addictions, and filling up their day with busy schedules to escape the pain of it all. Husbands; though there are many things you may do for your wife, your responsibility as the spiritual leader of the home is to lead your wife to Christ. You are to wash her with the water of the word consistently; bringing her to deeper heart surrender to her heavenly husband, marinating her in Jesus and God’s written word, and teaching her the grace of God so that she is without condemnation and shame when she stands before Him. 

Husbands, what good does it do to give your wife everything money can buy if she's searching for love outside the marriage? Wives, how does it help you to be lavished with gifts if you're living in fear and you're sick? If any of this has hit a nerve; it's because the Lord is exposing things in your heart, so He can remove the lies of the enemy and bring you the truth that will set you free.

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