
Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

I’m making myself vulnerable by discussing my mother’s death. I realize this is a sensitive topic for some, including myself, but it’s important that I share what the Lord has revealed to me. I am not the first person to ask the question, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” Since being married to a prophet of God, my faith has grown tremendously, all glory to my Lord Jesus Christ! I've learned a LOT about God’s love, I've been established in his gospel of grace, and learned a whole lot about Satan’s sneaky tactics. For a long time, one of the biggest questions I had was, “Why did God allow my mom to die?” My mom was a born again Christian, killed about 13 years ago. To make a very long story short, while in the hospital, on her way to recovery, the nurse on staff gave her the wrong drug. For several, it was easy to blame God, even those who didn't believe in him. We were all hurting with the same question, “why?”…

When bad things happen, especially to believers, is it because of sin and/or disobedience? I recently confronted this looming question with my mother’s passing. I trailed it back from the doctor who gave her the wrong drug; that wasn't my mom’s choice or her sin. In fact, she was in a coma, unable to make decisions. However, the reason she was in the hospital was because she chose not to wear her helmet on a motorcycle ride. But it wasn't her fault that the driver decided to show off, which landed them in the hospital to begin with. Yet it was her choice to re-marry a non-believer. With the long string of details and trying to find out who was really to blame, I couldn't handle the possibility that my mom died because of her own sin or because she disobeyed. It also didn't make sense to me that it had anything to do with her because someone else killed her. The Lord revealed to me the truth about what happened.

Satan’s ultimate plan is to “take you out”; he wants you dead, especially if you’re a believer! He doesn't want you telling people about Jesus, or loving them, and HE DOESN'T WANT YOU TO BE FREE YOURSELF! The Lord tells us, gives us insight and premonitions, he lets us know when we’re facing danger. He loves us so much that in his ALL knowing power, knowing what’s about to happen, he warns us to give us a chance to avoid it, but he won’t force us (I talk about this in “Don’t Play on the Monkey Bars").  He gave us the ability to choose for a reason; it is our choice to decide if we will allow him to help us. Your relationship with the Lord is the same as with your spouse; He wants you to love him because you want to and you trust him, not because he forced you to.

In my mom’s case, the Lord revealed to me that he did tell her multiple times about the danger that lied ahead. The Lord knew what Satan had planned for her and he loved her so much that he warned her; he desperately wanted her to listen and trust him. My mom had cried out to the Lord for help because she felt like something was wrong. The Lord answered her prayers and the evidence of his warnings…were in her journals. Prior to the accident, her journal entries began being filled with fear. Each day held more terror, as she expressed her feelings that something really bad was about to happen. Every entry more intense, she kept saying she was scared, that she couldn't explain what she was feeling but she knew something awful was about to happen and she didn't know what to do. Sadly, towards the end of her writings, it was as if she had resigned to the fact that danger was her fate. What the Lord gave her…were premonitions, strong ones. Her daddy in heaven knew what Satan had planned at the hospital. He knew that my mom would end up there if she went on that bike ride. She cried out to the Lord to help her and he did, he gave her those feelings that she talked about in her journals, but instead of listening to him and getting out quickly, she decided to stay. I don’t know everything about what my mom was going through during that time. All I know is at that moment, instead of heeding the warning, she embraced the spirit of fear and let it control her.

Obeying the Lord simply means believing in him; trusting him and stepping out in faith when you hear him speak. There is no right or wrong decision when you are trusting the Lord; decisions aren't right or wrong based on content or outcome. The Lord cares more about you trusting him, than the actual decision you're faced with. To the logical mind, good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people, but that’s not grace. Grace gives anyone who will receive it, good things. Trust him. Don’t let the spirit of fear take over, in Jesus Name!