
Expect the Best and Prepare For It!

Growing up, I was consistently taught to "expect the best and prepare for the worst". Initially I thought this was sheer genius. However, as I got older, I realized that living by this tag line was doing nothing but setting me up for failure! Oh the number of scriptures I could use here to show how this goes against the very essence and definition of FAITH...

I think it's safe to say that a large number of people seem to firmly believe in the phrase "you are what you eat". But what happens when you throw out a phrase like "believe it and receive it". Have you ever noticed how easy it is for some people to believe things that are negative, yet will go as far as to de-friend you for your belief in the truth, which is positive? Have you noticed these tendencies in yourself?

I love the story in Matthew where Jesus approaches two blind men, who were begging him to have mercy on them and give them their sight back. Jesus asked them specifically (NIV), "Do you believe I am able do this?"  When they said yes, Jesus replied, "According to your faith, will it be done to you". The NLT says, "BECAUSE OF YOUR FAITH, IT WILL HAPPEN." I've personally received some emails and messages from people who were angry about my level of faith. They were upset; demanding that the "name it and claim it theory" was bunk. I have compassion because I have been in their shoes and I know what it feels like. Which is why I know the reasons for the anger are usually because they aren't established in grace, and/or they themselves believed for something that didn't happen. Sometimes it's merely because some people aren't sure they CAN believe God for something big, let alone so big they deem it impossible.

Many pastors will ask "What are you believing God for?"  But I ask you this....what are you AFRAID to believe God for? When you have truly fully submitted to the Lord; given him your hopes and dreams, willing to sacrifice them to do what HE knows is best for you, you will be SHOCKED at what he can and WILL do for you. NOT because you worked to earn it, because you can't, but simply because you are his child and he loves you. The Lord gives good gifts to his children. Believe it.