
Put Your Esteem in God, Not Your Spouse

While having lunch at a local grocery store one day, I could overhear a group of ladies talking behind me. A woman from the bank that was located inside, came to talk with this group of ladies. They asked her if she was on her lunch break, she replied with a hearty yes. They then asked her what she was going to eat. The woman sighed heavily and replied by saying, "I'm not sure yet. I was thinking of maybe getting a hamburger from the counter." When I heard the ladies' response, I thought it was the most hurtful thing, until I witnessed the woman's reaction...

The ladies all laughed at her choice of food and boastfully recommended she have a sandwich or salad. Sadly, they didn't stop there. They proceeded to give her the reason WHY she should eat a salad. They told this woman that she should keep an eye on her figure or her husband would cheat on her, or worse, leave her. WHAT! My "redemptive" was in short circuit mode at that point and I was certain things couldn't get worse. Wrong. The woman responded with, "Yeh, I know. You're right."

This hurt my heart SO badly. I couldn't believe this woman not only listened to what these ladies said to her, but she agreed with it! Keep in mind, this woman was not obese, nor was she overweight. She was likely what the world would consider attractive.Yet she still believed that if she didn't eat a salad and watch her weight, that her husband would cheat on or leave her. This is EXACTLY what Satan wants and he's been using this tactic on women since the beginning of time!

If you do not put your trust in and get your identity from Jesus Christ, you will inevitably end up being insecure. Which means, until and unless the cycle is stopped, women's souls everywhere will continue to be destroyed. It may take years and may not even be noticeable, until that day you find yourself asking one of the age old questions, "Why do I keep ending up in the same kind of relationship, with the same type of men?"

You were created for relationship; a relationship with Jesus Christ. It is part of you to naturally want affection and love, but you were created to get it from the Lord first. If you're not receiving the love of your father and the truth about what He says about you, you won't be able to help trying to get your affirmation elsewhere; men, shopping, alcohol, movies, anything to fill the void. When your soul is attached to anything in an unhealthy way, it's a clear sign that Jesus is the one who's waiting to fill that void. 

The enemy, as well as your emotions, will try to fool you. You exercise routinely and when you've reached your goal, you've convinced yourself that now you're secure. When in reality you know you're still comparing yourself to others and you only continue to keep raising the bar because with every goal reached, you still don't believe you're good enough. You've changed your hair cut, color, and bought a new outfit that you look just great in! You go out with your spouse feeling fantastic; now you believe you're secure, you've got it together. When you know that when you get home that night you'll wonder why you don't feel as good as you thought you would and you begin to question why your spouse didn't compliment you as much as you hoped. Perhaps you've been around a group of people who are highly opinionated about everything and you were among them without responding negatively to their shots at you. Now you feel confident because you think you obviously didn't care what people thought. When your reality is that when you're by yourself, you're sad inside, you cry, and you just don't understand why people have to be so cruel or why men won't approach you and when they do they aren't the right ones. Or maybe your husband has a tendency to stare at other women and you go about your business as if nothing happened. When your reality is that you had a broken heart so deep that you couldn't sleep from sitting on the toilet crying all night.

You can change things on the outside, but you will never be satisfied. You can change everything about yourself, to the point no one even recognizes you anymore, but you will still keep finding more and more things wrong because it's not about the outside. It's a heart issue that ONLY receiving the love of the father can transform! If you're living to please man in any way; your spouse, your family, your friends, your co-workers and even yourself, you will forever not be good enough. It's only when you allow yourself to continually receive the love and truth of Jesus that your healing can take place.