
Spiritual Implications of Cat and Mouse

We all know the cliche story of the "cat and mouse"; cat sees mouse, cat chases mouse, mouse gets scared, mouse hides. Someone told me a story once about a family member's own personal cat and mouse chase. The spiritual implications were so obvious and uncanny that it was hard for me to understand how anyone wouldn't see just how much we're all like that scared little mouse... 

As typical, the moment the cat spotted the rodent, he frantically chased him. The mouse appeared to scamper about, looking for a place to hide, and somehow managed to take cover under the stove. In the center of the floor, under the appliance, he remained still; not moving or making a sound. He watched as the cat slowly sniffed around the edges for any sign of his presence, yet he remained calm; in the right position, safe from harm. The cat finally recognized where the mouse was sitting, yet his next move was unlike anything most people would expect.  Rather than swatting at the mouse, he slowly took his paw and began to tap on the stove. After a few taps, the mouse was unscathed and calm; remaining still and safe under the protective covering.

The cat continued very sneakily, and almost cleverly, to tap on the stove in various locations. It was as if he knew exactly where to hit that would drive the mouse crazy. As the cat continued to tap on the stove, panic set in, fear took over and the mouse made a mad dash out from under it. Within seconds, the cat made contact and devoured the rodent.

As believers, when the Lord asks us to do something that we don't want to, we sometimes panic. We allow fear to grip us and we run rampant, trying to find a place to take cover. The one place we should run is under the shadow of the almighty and the best thing to do is "be still." But what happens when your cat paws (your enemy) start jabbing at you, trying instill confusion and fear? Will you stay where you are and be still, until the Lord instructs you otherwise or will you let fear cause you to run out from under his protection, making yourself open to whatever attacks the enemy has planned?