
Where is God in Disasters?

SO many people are worried and confused about all of the natural and thoughtfully executed disasters that have taken place over the years. No one seems to understand why these tragedies are happening all around us or what our world is "coming to." It's not because of gun laws. It's not because of legalized dope. It's not because of violent video games, the economy or even our government. There's only one reason and the bible is clear about it...

SIN. The bottom line is, our world and the people in it, are fallen. Destruction was cursed upon the earth the moment Adam and Eve ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Thankfully, Jesus came to save us all from the wrath we were supposed to incur. From that moment on, the Lord has been sending his Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers to share the Gospel, so that everyone has the opportunity to be saved. Romans 3:19 "Now we know that whatever the law says, it speaks to those who are under the law, so that the [murmurs and excuses of] every mouth may be hushed and all the world may be held accountable to God." Matthew 24:14 "And this gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come." No one will be able to say they didn't know about Jesus. No one. Yes, even those of you who deny he is real. You will have no choice to but to bow down and confess he is Lord, when he returns.

However, the Lord also knew that people everywhere would reject Him; not wanting a relationship with Him. Rather, they'd prefer to do things their own way. If you're not a believer, then Satan has free reign over you. Yet even as a believer, every single time you choose to do things your own way, not trusting the Lord in EVERY AREA, you open yourself up to Satan's attacks. You open your arms and welcome Satan to bring mass destruction in your life, yet you want to get mad at God when that happens; from not being able to pay your bills and having bad relationships, to disasters such as the Boston Marathon Explosion, Connecticut School Shooting, Colorado Wild Fires, California Earthquake, Hawaiian Tsunami, Twin Towers Bombing, Hurricane Katrina, and Joplin Tornadoes, to name a few. Satan can and will attack in ANY area with which you're not surrendered to the Lord; including, but not limited to self esteem, your marriage, cancer, sickness and disease, finances, etc.

What's the FIRST thing most people do when something tragic happens? Some believers call upon the Lord. Even some non believers cry out to a God they don't even believe in; they'll cry out for Him to save and help them. They've not wanted much, if anything at all, to do with Him; getting Him banned from schools, taking Jesus out of everything, then get angry when something bad happens. What do you THINK is going to happen when you're not under the protection of God? 

God doesn't cause mass destruction, but he does hope it to gets your attention. Unfortunately, people ignore God's messages over and over and over; turn from the Lord, and get consumed by the cares of this world. Something like these disasters happen and people want to know where God is. God has been trying to get your attention for years, but you continue to ignore him. Out of his mercy and love for you, he still pursues you, yet you still continue to hold on to how "good of a person" you are. What's more, is that you desperately try to hold on to how good you are because you work hard or you're nice to people. God does not care one bit that you have a corporate job; He doesn't need your help to provide for you. Let's set aside the self-righteousness for a moment, and accept He cares MOST about your heart

God doesn't have a vendetta against areas of our nation, where tragedy strikes; the sin of this world brings people into despair and they want to blame God for it. God loves you, he wants you to trust him. If you're a believer, you already know why these disasters are happening; Jesus is coming back. All of these monumental tragedies are the outward signs that's it's nearing. We should know better, as believers, than to think this place was supposed to get brighter and better. The whole point is that in the end, it will be completely destroyed and rebuilt! 

God doesn't want you to wait until disaster strikes to reach out to him. He wants to have a relationship with you NOW, so you can experience his goodness NOW. Why are you ignoring him? Worse yet...why are you blaming Him for your lack of surrender?