
God Isn't In Complete Control

GASP! What did you just say? What do you mean God isn't in control; such blasphemy! Many believers think that God is in complete control of their lives, simply because they're born again believers. Your steps aren't even ordered unless you are surrendered to following Him; we order our own steps by not surrendering our hearts and will. The Lord gives you the freedom to choose to say yes to Him. So then, how is God not in control if I'm saved, you ask?

Because you have to say yes to it! When you say no, you're not allowing Him to be in control. You're choosing to do things your way; which means you won't receive His very best. The Lord woos you and will reach out to you over and over again; but if you reject or ignore what he's telling you, you're turning away from Him and opening up yourself for Satan to swoop in and begin destruction in your life. Is there an area of your life where you haven't said yes to the Lord? Is there an area of your life that isn't turning out the way you wanted and you're blaming God? Proverbs 19:3 "People ruin their lives by their own foolishness and then are angry at the Lord." 

God Cares about Your Heart; Not the Actions Themselves
When God encourages you to do something, it's not the act itself He cares about; He's giving you opportunities to trust Him to greater degrees. No matter what the act is; whether it's quit your job, sell your business, leave that relationship, bang on a table 3 times or march around a city 7 times, He cares about your heart and He cares about you trusting him.  

Fear is a Lie from the Enemy
Fear is typically the number one reason people don't trust God and make the move He's asking. Fear is a lie from the devil and he uses it to STOP you from moving forward. He doesn't want you knowing who you are in Christ because he knows how free you'll be when you discover this truth! Deuteronomy 31:6 "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."  "Do not fear" doesn't mean you'll never be faced with something scary; it means don't let fear control you! Romans 8:15 "For the spirit which you have now received is not a spirit of slavery, putting you once more in bondage to FEAR. But you have received the spirit of adoption; the spirit producing son-ship, in the bliss of which you cry, Abba Father."

The bottom line: God is not in control of your life unless you LET HIM be. He is a sovereign God, but He is relational and gives us the opportunity to choose. No one, including God, wants someone to be with them because they were forced. God's will for your life will NOT come to pass just because it's His will. His plans for your life don't automatically happen; it requires you submitting to Him and allowing Him to take you through whatever process is necessary to prepare and equip you for the call!

Here is a nugget to chew on and marinate in...God does not "control"; He loves and He leads.

Where is God in Disasters?
God's Love Letter to You

You are Made Right with God Through Faith