
Father's Day Letter

Dear Dad,
I knew you watched over me when I was growing up; standing guard in every corner, while I slept. I knew it was you who picked me up and held me when all I wanted was to be loved. I knew you protected me from threats that I was unaware of and that you saved me from harm. I knew you talked to me even when I wasn’t listening and I knew you were listening even when I wasn’t talking. I knew you cared about every tear I cried, every smile I made, and every dream or desire that was within me. I knew that in the midst of all the painful relationships I experienced, you always reminded me that you loved me more than anyone else ever could. I knew you were...

stern when teaching me about whom I really was and that it was for my own good. I knew it was you warning me of the dangers that might lie ahead. I knew that no matter what problems I faced, you were always there for me; supporting me, encouraging me, and always ready to fight my battles for me. I knew you had so much fun when I danced about without a care and I knew that no matter what I went through; joy, sorrow, pain or laughter, you were the one who delighted in me. I knew you enjoyed watching me play with my pigtails, spin in circles, and sing songs about nothing that made no sense. I knew that our relationship was the most important thing to you. I knew you loved me and I knew I was very valuable to you. I knew that you were the best father to ever exist. What I didn’t know, was that your real name was Jesus Christ.

Thank you for your existence. Thank you for always being there for me; never leaving me and never forsaking me. Thank you for your love for me; your unconditional love that is beyond my human wisdom. 

Your daughter; Princess Carissa Anne