
How to Avoid Delaying Your Own Blessings

Some people don’t dream or think big because they’re basically scared or afraid; they think maybe it won’t happen or maybe they think it’s futile or wishful thinking. The Lord gives us passions for a reason. We didn't decide what we’re passionate about, that was all God, but most people walk in the abuse of it. A prime example is music artists who were called to be leaders in the body of Christ, but instead they’re sluttin' themselves out for album sales and video ratings...

Did you know that there are two ways you can delay your own blessings? One way, is a word the Lord gave recently, that too many people will never get the things they wanted in life, simply because they didn't ask. What!?! I don’t know about you, but I want EVERYTHING God has for me; not just some things, EVERYTHING! Not because I earned it, but because God said I could, don’t you want that? The second way, is by not being willing to let the Lord refine you through HIS refining process. Meaning, when it gets hard, don't quit and go your own way because you miss ease, comfort, and pleasure. Galatians 6:9 "So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up"  Mark 4:20 “And those sown on the good (well-adapted) soil are the ones who hear the Word and receive and accept and welcome it and bear fruit – some 30 times as much as was sown, some 60 times as much, and some [even] 100 times as much! Heck yeh, take it ALL Lord; I am FREE and you will give me back 100 times more than what Satan took or what I gave up!

Could it be hard, YES! Could it be uncomfortable, inconvenient and even suck sometimes, YES!!!! But the refining process of building your faith, making your heart whole and being established in Grace will SET YOU FREE! The Lord gives us back everything Satan took or tried to take, but the only way to do this, is to be willing to LET GOD do it. I’m not responsible, nor are you, for the level of faith others choose to have, we can’t control that, but I certainly know what surrendering 100% looks like for me.

To whom much is given, much is required. How would it look for a leader in the body of Christ, to be one who’s not fit to lead? The bigger your call in life, the more circumstances and experiences (likely undesirable) you’ll be required to go through, so the Lord can prepare you for it. The Lord isn’t going to require the same thing of everybody because everybody plays a different role. HOWEVER...he CAN and WILL push the FAST FORWARD button with anybody if they’re willing to let him.