
The Challenge of Seeing Behind the Scenes

Over the past few years, the Lord has sent us to many places; homes, churches, and other establishments where the love of Christ was needed. Needless to say; it wasn't always a gentle and tender hug fest. Sometimes, the Lord admonishes with rebuke, which isn't regularly received without distain. I've been there, so I understand, but that doesn't make it any easier. One consistent truth about the Lord is that He loves people, and He will go out of His way in an attempt to rescue them.

This past week I have been extra grieved, along with righteously angry at what's been happening in these places. The Lord made me to hate injustice and love when the truth wins out. He made me to not tolerate bondage. He made me to despise hypocrisy; especially in leadership. He put a white-hot passion inside of me for people to be transformed; for drastic change to happen in their hearts and lives. One particular issue on my heart is the absence of "anointing" in certain headship positions; preaching, praise and worship, and even prayer. Granted, the Lord can work through anyone, but we're seeing a lot of programs being run by people who aren't called to do so. Their callings are elsewhere; and though it's kind of them to volunteer, the people are suffering. What we're seeing is no power, a consensus that we can just hug people out of bondage, doctrines of demons and lies about God being spread, NO ONE talks about the baptism of the Holy Ghost, the truth about the gift of communion, and though God's blessings are boasted about, believers are simultaneously being warned that God isn't quite THAT good. He's only so good to a point then it just becomes selfishness and entitlement.

There are establishments declaring they want lives to be transformed; yet blanket rules are in place that prevent it. Because of chaos; regulations and systems have been created that don't allow for the desired changes to take place. It seems instead that the goal is coddling everyone's emotions so they "feel good", and to exercise "caution", so as not to offend anyone's theologies. The problem with that is that scripture doesn't say people are set free by having their emotions coddled. People aren't set free because they weren't offended. They need the TRUTH! It is the TRUTH that sets people free! Focusing on the issue of the homeless; if we are seeing the same people, year after year, who are still homeless, still in bondage, still addicted to substances, people, and circumstances, still with faulty belief systems about God, still not walking in power, authority, or freedom...how is that transformation? Don't get me wrong; every person is responsible for his or her own decision to trust the Lord, but where is the system designed to encourage those choices? Isn't the mission to see lives changed, people set free, delivered, and walking in their identity and callings, so that we DON'T see them again; but to testify of what God has done in their lives? I'm not saying no good has come of these places; what I'm saying is where is the transformation of hearts and lives? 

A friend of mine once shared with me that he felt like a race horse, behind the starting gate that won't open. The more I live these situations and the more I see behind the scenes; the more I understand what he means. I'm chomping at the bit to walk in the things the Lord has in store for me! I grow more and more excited about boldly and unashamedly pronouncing His truths! I grow more and more fervent about HOLY SPIRIT LED businesses, organizations, and ministries that WILL resolve issues and that WILL transform lives in the name of Jesus and for the glory of God!

*I really just wanted to vent about this because of all the cities we've been sent; there's not one exempt from these issues and it's just grieving. BUT...there is hope, and I am really eager to get out the gate with my Lord!

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