
The Problem is Not the Toilet Paper Roll

You've had to use the bathroom for a while; in fact, you've been holding it painfully too long, waiting for your spouse to finish. After wearing a pattern in the carpet, you finally make it inside; squeezing as tightly as possible while you get in position, so as not to make a mess. You sit down, breathe a sigh of relief, close your eyes, and tilt your head back; thankful that your bladder no longer feels like it's holding a car. You're completely relieved and as you reach for the toilet paper...there are only three little squares dangling from the roll.

In that moment, you suddenly recall every single time you've ever used the bathroom after your spouse and had to sit down with nothing to wipe. You're not even concerned about getting more tissue for yourself because your mind has you reeling with thoughts of how your spouse apparently doesn't know how to change the toilet paper roll. You don't want to sit there forever, so you get up and walk across the floor to the closet; once again trying not to make a mess, and grab another roll. You walk back to the commode, but with every step you're growing angry and more frustrated. Now you're thinking your spouse is lazy and before you know it; you're wishing you had separate bathrooms, so you don't have to deal with them anymore.

You go search for your spouse to let them know just how wrong it is what they've done; but you know it's just toilet paper, so you try to talk yourself down from being judge and jury. When you approach them, you have every intention of being civil; to politely ask them if they would mind setting out another roll of toilet paper if it's low because it would really help you out a lot. You open your mouth to speak and BAM; not only did you put them on the witness stand, but they've been convicted and sentenced! Next thing you know; you're in a full-blown argument over a substance used to wipe your behinds.

I used this example because it recently happened to me. I'm aware that the enemy wants to get in, in any way he can, but in those moments when your emotions are high, he sneaks in so subtly it can be a challenge to recognize! Satan has all kinds of schemes; first and foremost he wants you to doubt God, but secondly, he does not want marriages to be happy. Satan wants husbands and wives to think they are each others' enemies, so they'll live a life void of love, peace, and joy. He wants there to be strife and division, so you won't get along or enjoy the gift God gave you. He wants you to question the character of your spouse, so that you'll doubt their heart is in the right place.  

The truth that Satan doesn't want you to know is that the problem is not the toilet paper. The problem is not the toilet seat being left up, the dishes not getting cleaned or how the toothpaste tube is squeezed. If you both did everything the way the other wanted or even if you lived in separate houses altogether, the enemy would still find ways to get in if you don't have it settled that your spouse is not your enemy. There may be some situations where the heart motive is evil or the relationship isn't even of God, but if you're a Godly marriage; ordained to be united by Him, it is vital to think, believe, speak, and cling to the truth that your spouse is not your enemy. 

The next time you notice you're being tempted to be angry or frustrated at your spouse; think about the big picture, the "grand scheme of things". Is your marriage worth being miserable over crap paper? Is it worth arguing or long moments of silence over a paste that makes your breath fresh? Let us take those moments to see what's really going on; the enemy wants to use this insignificant thing to bring strife into our lives...then say NO and don't allow it!


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