
Are You Blessing to Be Blessed?

Many believers often administer the phrase, "we're blessed to be a blessing"; and while that's true, being a blessing always comes second. As children of God, we are first and foremost blessed because our Father loves us, and He loves to give good gifts to his children. 

When Jesus came (right before His death), His new commandment was to love one another as He has loved us; this also applies in the area of blessings. Have we ever stopped to think about why WE bless OTHERS? Our reasons for blessing others should be the same reasons, and in the same priority order, that God blesses us. 

When we bless someone, are we doing so out of love or are we giving, expecting something in return? 2 Corinthians 9:6 shows that he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully, and this is in the context of material things (specifically monetary). So it's God's design to expect we'll be repaid, but it's all about our heart, and love always trumps how much we give. If we bless others with the mere agenda of, "how much will I get out of this"; we're in danger of reducing people down to a number, and we'll seek to find the person with whom we can get the biggest return.

The Lord gave me an example of someone who gives a million dollars from a place of superiority and another who gives $50 from a pure heart of love and compassion. By numbers; it would seem the one who gave a million would reap more, but the truth is that the one who gave $50 from a pure heart will indeed be the one who receives the greater blessing in return.

Side Note: The Lord showed me that one of the main reasons this phrase is held on to so tightly is because many are afraid of having blessings. For someone walking in fear; this phrase merely eases their conscience by justifying the things the Lord has blessed them with. As Kings and Queens (and heirs of the world, mind you) you don't have to "justify" being blessed. Your Father is an extravagant God who rewards those who diligently seek Him.

Again, it's God's design for us to harvest what we've planted, but let us not see people as an exchange in the stock market; investing in those we think will give us the greater return. But let us give from a heart of genuine love because that's what Jesus did and does for us. 


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