
Why We Can't be Mad at Others for What They Have

As a parent, let's say you come home with a bag full of toys; five toys for each of your children. You call them all in, tell them you have gifts for them then you stand back and watch as they eagerly select and play with them. However, one of your children doesn't take all of their toys; instead, they examine what the other kids have, become aware they don't have as many then get mad because their brothers and sisters have more.

The truth is, all of your kids had multiple toys available to them; but for whatever reason, one of them chose not to take all of theirs. This is the equivalent of "grown-up" believers today who get upset at other believers for having things, especially if it's a lot of things. What in the world are we upset about? We can't be mad at someone for choosing to receive what the Lord gave them, when the same things are available to us. We can't be like the kid who didn't take all of his toys then get mad at others because they did. This is the prodigal son story all over again.

Jesus spoke about the "seed parables" in the gospels; we are the ground the seeds fall on and it is our choice which kind of soil we will be. There are four types of soil, but the ones who will be given more, the ones who will have abundance; are the ones who hear and receive the word of the Lord. It's not an all-or-nothing matter; believers aren't either blessed abundantly or have nothing at all. Jesus further explains that there are degrees with which someone will receive (30, 60, 100 fold), and it's based on the degree with which you're surrendered and willing to be obedient to the faith. 

Everything in our glorious covenant with Jesus is received by the righteousness of faith. Not everyone's heart is fully surrendered to the obedience of faith; which means not everyone will get the same amount of blessings. Jesus died to give us all things; but we have to take it by faith. Faith is what God cares about FIRST; soul prosperity. He wants us to prosper in our souls; first so we can be free, but secondly so we'll be able to handle and ENJOY the blessings to the fullest. Not everyone takes their soul 100% seriously; therefore they can't receive 100%. 

Jacob and his brothers had to physically leave the place of famine and go to the place of abundance. For us in the spirit; that means leaving behind the poverty mentality, the poverty mindset and belief system. Prospering includes material things; but it's about our faith and our soul being prepared. You wouldn't give a 5 year old a car because they aren't ready to handle it; let alone enjoy it. 

For those living in the desires of their heart, it's not just to show people how much stuff they have; it's meant to be a testimony that to those who follow the Lord, He indeed DOES give you the desires of your heart. It should be something the world sees you living in, not just preaching about; for the ultimate goal is not for others to see the stuff, but for them to see the one who gave it. 


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