
It's Time to Toss Plan "B"!

It’s my confident estimation that as a baby, you probably weren’t secretly stashing away jars of baby food in your crib. You probably weren't thinking, “Maybe I should keep an eating schedule in case mom forgets to feed me”. As a child, you naturally trusted your parents to take care of you without being aware that’s what you were doing. Why then do we have a “plan B” now?

Why do we humble ourselves enough to ask God for answers, but take action as if we already knew? If you think about it, it doesn't even make sense; asking God something we know nothing about then acting as if we do. Let me use a common example, and one that applies to my life as well. Let's say you're in high school and you know the God-given gifts you have; you just don't know how or where to use them, so you ask God, "What should I do with my life?" Before you finish saying "Amen", you're online researching colleges; hoping to find one with the cheapest tuition for the highest paying jobs. Next thing you know, you've applied and been accepted. You know your major has nothing to do with your talents, but God hasn't said anything, so you carry it out. 

First of all, God didn't need to answer because you answered for Him. Somewhere between humility and Amen, those worldly voices of logic kicked in; "your gift isn't legitimate", "make sure to have a backup business plan" or "that's just a hobby, not a career".

Making backup plans reveals we don't trust God; it exposes that we think we should come up with something else "just in case" He doesn't come through. A backup plan doesn't show we believe God is able; rather it says we think we're more capable than He is. We may say we believe or have faith, but unless we act on it; we don't.  How grieved our Father must be to know His children don't know His love.

What have you been putting off because you don’t have the money? What dreams have you put on the back burner because you don’t have the time or resources? Have you settled for a job you hate because it pays well; knowing you’re not using and enjoying your gifts? Why don’t we stop looking at what we don’t have in our bank accounts and schedules, and let’s start looking at WHO we DO have! As a "believer" in Christ, why don’t we actually BELIEVE in Christ; by stepping out in faith and acting like it! (Matthew 7:11)


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