
How to Develop a Relationship with God

Recently I heard someone ask the question, "How do you develop a relationship with God", and though there are some practical things involved; things like reading the Bible, going to church, and praying in and of themselves are not what cause a deeper relationship.

I can't begin to describe how excited, and highly honored I am to get the opportunity to preach about this around the world; mainly because I asked the same question many years ago, and because of the Lord I now know the answer! I know many people who got trapped in religion are asking the same question.

First, the most vital component of developing a relationship with God is heart surrender; giving Him all of you, and wholeheartedly letting Him be your Savior, Lord, and Father in every area of your life. Without this aspect, spiritual disciplines are just religious routines; they don't develop intimacy.

You have to want to know Him; there is a difference between wanting to know Him and knowing about Him. When we read the scriptures, we can learn a lot about God; things He said, things He did, how He treated people, and how He responded to certain situations, but we still don't know Him. Say for example you met your spouse on a dating site. You'd likely read through a profile full of details about age, height, eye color, favorite hobbies, education background, and vocation. This will give you a lot of head knowledge about them, but it doesn't mean you know them personally. That's where the practical steps come in.

There are many other facets to growing in your relationship with the Lord, such as having the right belief system, knowing the truth about God's character, and knowing He's your Father who is always with you. But ultimately reaching the point where you've had enough of religious rituals and surrendering your whole life, no matter the cost; that's when your heart is in position to receive, and then you'll be able to know Him personally.

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1 comment:

  1. It takes a lot of humility to admit this...
