
For Visionaries Everywhere

I read something today on the character and challenges of Prophets and Apostles; the intense conditions God requires of them because of their call, but it applies to anyone who’s a visionary. Below is a quote by someone named Os Guiness; it helped make so much sense of what I’ve been experiencing lately, and I believe this will help someone else too!

He quoted, “Visionary faith takes on itself the crushing weight of the contradictions of reality. It is often just before the breakthrough that pressure is the most intense and faith seems to shudder under the strain. This strain is what causes doubt. The immense weight of contradictory reality crashes against faith; this is not easy. It’s one thing to be fired by a vision and get out of an armchair. It’s another thing to be fired by a vision and walk through fire and rain.”

It’s easy to have faith for something big when we’re in a place of comfort; but will we still believe when our circumstances are the opposite of the promise? When you have faith that God can do something everyone else would laugh at you for; it can be a challenge to keep believing when time has passed and conditions appear to have worsened. I am at this precise crossroads RIGHT NOW! 

The past 5 years have been the Lord pruning, refining, restoring, and equipping me and my family for exaltation; preparing our souls to handle what He's catapulting us into. Very few people know this, as I haven't been sharing it publicly until now; but the 4 left in our family are about to disperse. God Himself is going to suddenly take us from where we are in Chicago, and place us in our own mansions; yes, mansions, and that's just the beginning of how He'll show His glory! He's not going to tell us how or where until that moment; and it will be miracles so big that it will actually bring fear to many, fear of the Lord! Many judge carnally by our conditions, and question whether or not we're even following the Lord. Why? Because of the intense contradictions of reality! I'm on the brink of something so much bigger than what I set out for; what the Lord is about to do is so big that there are no words in the English language to describe it.

If you are a visionary; someone who believes God far beyond the unbelievable... DO NOT FAINT! Do not give up hope, and do not quit! Block out the lies of the enemy that tell you God won't follow through. God's promises are only received by the righteousness of faith; your trust in Him and His character, so don't stop believing, no matter what it looks like in the natural! God has told us that millions of people will be effected by what they see happen to us; they will know it's the Lord, they will turn to Him, and they will believe again! It is my prayer that you and everyone you know are one of them...


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