
It's Not God's Fault; It's Ours

A while back, on the news; there was a story about a man who walked into a church, sat through a bible study then afterwards shot and killed 9 people. I heard many asking the question, "How can that happen in a church?" The answer is simple, but not easily received; Satan does not care, nor is he intimidated that you’re having a bible study; if you're not walking in the truth, he knows you're not protected.

Allow me to make known that by the grace of God; I have compassion on the families of those who were killed. Not only do I know what it's like to lose a loved one; but I also know what it feels like to lose them to the spirit of murder. My mother was in the hospital, on her way to recovery when the nurse on staff administered her the wrong drug; which ultimately led to her death. I very personally understand, so the truths I'm about to share with you also applied to me.

One of my family members asked a similar question that many others have, "If God is good, how could He allow that to happen?" The answer is, He didn't. You see, God gave us everything we needed to live victoriously, through Christ; when we don't receive those things, we open ourselves up to being the devil's prey. That's a choice we make, not God. We’re not protected by God because of His ability to protect. We’re protected by God because we trust Him with our lives and therefore we're under his protection. 

It's like this...Let's say you're walking your child across the street; you tell them to hold your hand and wait for you to cross because cars are coming fast and you don't want them to get hit. If they choose to do what you said; they'll be safe. If they choose to cross anyway and get hit by a car; is that your fault? No, you gave the warning; it was up to them to listen. However, when it comes to God; He gets the blame because it feels better than admitting we were responsible. When the Lord asks you to do something or gives you a truth, it’s because He loves you; He wants you to have the absolute best, most victorious and most free life here on earth. If you don’t receive it or you don’t do what He's asking, you come out from under His protection.

I know now that God didn't sit idly by and let evil happen to my mom. He repeatedly told her not to marry her 2nd husband to begin with; she didn't listen. He told her repeatedly to leave him and leave the state they were living in; she didn't trust Him. He repeatedly told her if she didn’t leave, something bad was going to happen; she didn’t listen. He repeatedly warned her of the dangers ahead to rescue her from her situation, but she didn't listen. One of her last journal entries was that she knew something bad was about to happen. She wrote down in her own journal that it was something so bad, there would be nothing she could do to stop it when it happened; yet she still didn't listen. She let fear of the unknown control her decision; therefore she herself allowed Satan greater access to her life, and he took it. Did you get that? Satan was only able to take her life because she allowed him to.

For those who have ears; you've got to get this in the spirit… It does not matter how often you go to church. It does not matter how many times you read the bible. It does not matter how many times you pray. It does not matter how many bible studies you attend, how much you take communion, how many worship songs you sing, how many cross necklaces you wear, how many Jesus fish bumper stickers are on your car or how many "I love Jesus" signs you put in your front yard. None of these things can save or protect you. Atheists can memorize the bible; Satan himself has scripture memorized. You cannot call someone a strong believer based on what they do on the outside. 

If scripture says no evil will come near your dwelling, then how do we explain evil coming near so many believers' dwelling? Psalms 91 starts off, "He who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of his wings." Just because you’re saved, doesn’t mean you’re dwelling. Those who talk about the truth aren't protected; those who walk in it, who live by FAITH, are protected.

It was VERY difficult to hear that my mom wasn't walking in faith. I was there when she brought us to church multiple times a week. I was there when she led the praise and worship team. I was there when she read the Bible daily and taught us about Jesus. I saw her volunteering in various ministries and encouraging us to do the same. How could anyone who does those things NOT be strong in faith? You may know someone, including yourself, who does similar things; but if you aren't believing rightly and walking in it, you're an easy and definite bulls-eye for the devil.

No matter how hard it was to learn this about my mom, I had a choice; I could either do the same thing she did by getting angry at God and not trust Him or I could put my foot down and put an end to all the crap that plagued our family for generations; I chose to finally put my foot down and say, "This stops right here and right now with me!"

Can we please stop being angry at the one who gave us everything to live victoriously, and start getting angry at the one who came to steal it all? We need to stop being offended at the truth; put our foot down, and start receiving the answer for ourselves, so the evil stops with us!

1 comment:

  1. Part of me is offended; but the other part wants it all to stop, so...hmm
