
Don't Get Stuck in the Trial

The Lord dropped a revelation on me that a lot of His kids hold on to sicknesses; claiming it as "My insert ailment here" and using the trial itself as their testimony. The Lord said some believers get comfortable in the trial; feeding off the attention, encouragement, and support, and they don't move forward to the actual triumph.

I get it; I've been there. There's about to be some hardcore truths revealed in one of my books; thank God He took my shame because I also used sickness to get others to take notice. Insecurity feasted on the attention I would get and how I was treated; it was disgusting. 

To begin with; there is grave danger in using our words to call it "My disorder". Our words are powerful; they hold the same creative power as God who is holding all the universe together simply by the power of His words. Because life and death are in the power of our tongues; we give it permission to stay by taking ownership of it verbally. 

This is not God's best for those of you. God's best is to stop saying it's yours, and recognize it's a spirit of infirmity from Hell; health and wholeness are the testimony of God, not sickness. There is no glory in something that isn't of God. While it is true that God can get glory by getting you through a sickness, disease, or disorder; the point is to get through it to your healing. 

I know it can be scary; my cancer testimony is a prime example. I went in for a routine checkup because I was tired of taking a pill every day; only to have surgery where they required me to take a pill every day for the rest of my life. Once again, I was faced with a decision; I could either trust the Lord to provide for the medicine (which isn't wrong) or I could trust the Lord to restore my estrogen levels back to normal. There was a brief moment of scratching my head, but taking a pill for the rest of my life defeated the entire purpose for me getting the checkup in the first place! So, I chucked the pills and God restored my estrogen levels to BETTER than they were before!

The glory of God is not in sickness; the glory is in God's healing. THAT is the testimony! I challenge you to step out in faith; believe that Jesus' health is yours, wield your authority to rebuke the illness, and use your words to speak the truth despite what it looks like! If you want God to be honored; honor Him by trusting Him to restore your health!


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