
Difference Between God Ordained Suffering vs Consequences of Choices

There are so many believers dealing with so many issues; losing jobs, marriages and relationships ending, vehicles breaking down, sick all the time, living paycheck to paycheck, and stressed about life in general. One common denominator I hear frequently is variations of how "it's all part of God's plan". True, God has a plan; but those things aren't part of it.

There's a vast difference between God ordained sufferings and the consequences of your choices. There may be aspects of losing things in order to cut away what's hindering your faith walk; but suffering with Christ is about sacrificing whatever He asks you to in order to be equipped for your call. With this battle-testing comes divine travail, persecution, and the necessary character development to be able to handle your purpose and destiny; what many of you are experiencing are merely the consequences of your choices. Everybody wants the glory, but they aren't willing to go through what it takes to get there. Instead, they're complacent; justifying their lack of surrender by bundling it into "God's plan". You don't get to be on the God-exalted platform without putting your faith to some serious work.

It's time to stop making excuses. It's time to stop being in denial and rebellion. It's time to stop going through empty "Christian" motions. It's time to be shaken out of your comfort zone. It's time to accept responsibility for your spiritual complacency and lack of surrender. It's time to stop having a form of godliness, but denying its power (Read 2 Timothy 3, this is not where you want to be). It's time to humbly admit you need the Lord, and start taking your life seriously. No more using your self-inflicted problems as a security blanket; claiming it all "happened for a reason". Yes, those things did happen for a reason; that reason was you. You've been saying no and running from God, yet still expecting an abundant life. 

The problem is not God taking too long to manifest your promises; the problem is you taking too long to say yes to Him. Christ is coming back soon and He wants His bride to be ready; not feeling guilty or ashamed when they see Him. Trust Him to finally pursue what you know is inside of you. Submit under someone who's been established in the gospel of grace. Seek the Lord to find out what Apostle He wants leading and covering you. Ask the Holy Spirit who He wants your spiritual parents to be. It is vital you get in alignment with God's governmental authority; for your own protection, and so you can achieve and receive EVERYTHING God has for you!

I'm not just talking the talk; I'm walking the walk. No, it wasn't easy, but I can guarantee you it's worth it!


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