
Don't Prostitute Your Heart

Webster defines a prostitute as a person, in particular a woman, who engages in sexual activity for payment. Society stereo-typically labels prostitutes as women who dress scantily clad and hang out on street corners waiting for their next "john". However, I am about to call out some truth that the Holy Spirit gave me that will likely be very uncomfortable and potentially offensive for some of you; it could also change your life for the better if you let it!

There are many scriptures where God tells us how everything we do is not about the act itself; but the posture of our heart. Take Matthew 5; whoever looks at a woman with lust in his heart has already committed adultery. If there are manifestations in our actions, it's because sin has already taken place in the heart. Prostitution is not about selling your body; it's about selling out your heart. 

Remember the movie "Pretty Woman"? Julia Roberts was your average Hollywood Boulevard hooker until Richard Gere hired her as his escort. The guy was wealthy; giving "Vivian" the biggest shopping spree of her life for a more dignified look. Near the end, "Philip" goes to her hotel and tries to assault her. Edward returns to the room to see the commotion, and hear his friend verbally offer her money for sex. She gets angry and lashes out, but Philip responds by reminding his buddy she's a whore who gets paid to do this. Afterwards, they fell in love, and nearly every woman left the theater wishing they were her. 

There is no justifying assault, but pay close attention to what many women did not discern; including myself at the time. Though subtly disguised in a fancy red dress, diamond necklace, and lavish hotels; Vivian was still a hooker. The only difference now was that she got paid more. 

First let me say that I'm speaking from experience. What I'm about to share applied to me too, and I was also offended; but if I wanted it to stop, I had to swallow my pride. Not all prostitution happens on the streets or in escort services. There is prostitution taking place right now in some of your own marriages. There are some of you who are hookers in your relationships; living with each other or having sex outside of marriage in exchange for getting your bills paid or your emotional needs met. This doesn't just happen between husband and wife or couples either; some of you are staying in relationships with family members and friends because you're afraid to separate from them. You may not be exchanging tangible goods and services on the nightstand; but rest assured there is an exchange of your heart for false security and comfort. It goes unrecognized because that's how the enemy works. He is subtle and sneaky; whispering things like "It'll be easier with a combined income", "At least this guy doesn't beat you", "Maybe you can change him and everything will be better", "You won't have to be alone" or "You treated them badly, you owe it to them".

Your emotions tell you nothing is even wrong. I know it feels like the easiest solution, it feels convenient because it's right there, and it feels like you could avoid a lot of pain and suffering if you just stayed. But I also know that at times you've felt if you had a way out, you'd take it. At least once you've thought, "If I already had something else lined up; it would be easy to walk". For some of you, it might be. The last relationship I ever had with a man was the hardest I ever had to sever ties with; and I HAD a way out! I had a friend who helped me move, who let me live with her and didn't even charge me. I physically got out within hours, but my heart...my heart took much longer to leave. 

I have compassion if this is you; I've been through it too many times, and I know how it feels. I know what it's like to be afraid because you don't know what you'd do or where you'd go. God could tell you He has a home for you where all your bills are paid and you'd want for nothing; but that would be walking by sight. He wants you to trust Him; dare to step out in faith, believing He will take care of all of your needs, and He won't whore your heart out doing it. 

I challenge you as the powerful woman of God you truly are to walk by faith. You don't even have to get the words out; the moment your heart turns to Him, He's got you! You're thinking there's nothing bad happening right now, but this is destroying your soul; demonic ties are developing that you can't see, but they will reveal themselves. The longer you wait, the harder and uglier it will be. I dare you to believe God's love for you and His power towards you! Your heart is precious; don't prostitute it.


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