
Why Your Own Actions Betray You

There's another epidemic that's been plaguing the body of Christ for centuries; an overtaking of the enemy's lies that God does not bless or prosper His people. Many believers would say He does, but if you listen to them talk long enough; they will end up revealing what's really in their hearts. 

Take sickness for example; how many times have you heard, or even said yourself, "God causes or allows sickness to teach us lessons"? Okay, let's say for a moment God does cause and allow sickness in order to teach you something valuable. If that's the case; why are you going to the doctor? Why do you take medicine to get rid of the illness? Or how about I drop some real perspective on you here; why take your newborn baby with a fever to the hospital; why not just let it get sick and die? Sounds a bit ridiculous doesn't it? But if God indeed wants you to learn something; why are you trying to get out of His discipline? 

Now let's talk about material wealth and possessions; how many times have you heard, or even said yourself, "God doesn't want us to have a lot; He wants us to live modestly"? Again, let's say for a moment God does want us to live "modestly". If that's the case; Why are you working so hard to make more money? Why are you putting in overtime to treat your family to dinners out or family vacations? Why are you taking 2-3 jobs in order to buy a house? If you don't believe God wants His children to be well taken care of; why not "stay humble" and move your family into a tent? I go to that extreme to prove a point; some would say God definitely wants more than that for us. 

Where then, is the line? What is the standard that measures the bar for "too much"? Everyone has a different opinion about what's extravagant to them; to someone who is homeless, a 1-bedroom apartment might be a lot. So who determines what children of God should and shouldn't have? The FACT is that believers have decided to determine what they think is acceptable. The TRUTH is that God has already set the unlimited precedent by being our limitless source. This isn't about everyone being called to have a mansion; everyone's abundance looks different based on their call and their God-given desires, but nevertheless, Jesus did come so that we may have life and have it more abundantly in every area!

Just the mere thought of your children being in pain, hurts you, and you don't like it. The mere thought that your children wouldn't have toys to play with, or a warm crib to lay in would hurt you. If you feel this way about your children and family; how much more do you think the unlimited God feels about His kids?


1 comment:

  1. Praise the Lord who gives us RICHLY all things to enjoy!!!!!!
