
Don't Let Fear and Doubt Lower Your Standards

For the sake of making a point, set aside the fact that you may or may not have the faith for this. Let's say someone in their 40's told you they wanted to go to college, get a degree, start a career then save money, so they could buy a multi-million dollar home. If they even lived long enough to see it; you'd likely think that was crazy, right? 

What if that same someone told you they were trusting the Lord to give them a multi-million dollar mansion? Well, that might sound even crazier! So what do you do when you think you can't achieve your goals, but you also don't believe God can supernaturally do it either? When we've believed the lies that our desires can't be achieved; this is customarily the precise moment when we lower our standards and forfeit our dreams.

What the Lord put in all of us is something so big that we can’t do it alone; yet we also think God can’t do it either. So, instead of stepping out in faith; we settle for something more “doable”. Rather than seek God for what we were created to do, we seek jobs we end up hating just so we can have some money to pay some bills.

Do you know how many people are created to be five-star, personal chefs; but instead they've been working the grill at Taco Hut for 10 years? Do you know how many people were created to design gospel-inspiring murals all over the world; but instead they teach an elementary art class? To a degree, they at least are somewhere in the vicinity of their field. What about all the people who were created gifted musicians, called to spread their God-glorifying music world-wide, but instead they took a job as a secretary or designing websites? I know about that one because I did that! There is nothing wrong with those positions in and of themselves; but there's something very wrong with children of God settling for something way smaller than the sphere of influence they're called to.

Believers everywhere have sacrificed the dreams God gave them because they doubt it can happen, so they're afraid to try. It's time to stop talking about how much you hate your job. It's time to stop talking about how miserable you are and how much you wish you could be doing something more fun. It's time the body of Christ stop settling for a job they don't like, that pays peanuts, and will never give them the opportunity they know they were supposed to have. Now is the time for children of God to rise up; step out in faith, trust your God, and let Him give you EVERYTHING He has in store for you!

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