
Behaviors Aren't Genetic

I saw short video about a woman who noticed fear rising up in her little boy and escaping from his lips. He was saying things like "I can't" and "I'm afraid". She asked her little boy who told him he couldn't and what made him think he was afraid. The Lord showed her that those things were something he learned from her and if she didn't do anything about it, fear would continue to take over her and her family.

I hear people of all ages, with negative behaviors, belief systems, and perspectives, saying things like "that's just who I am", "my mom/dad was the same way" and "it's genetic". I too believed that about myself not too long ago. When I look back at how my sordid past preceded me, I used to think "I got it from my mom". I believed that because my mom felt certain things about herself that led to her search for love in all the wrong placed, that I was just destined to repeat her false idol-ship. I firmly believed that I didn't even have a choice in the matter because it must have been part of my genetic makeup. This could NOT be further from the truth!

The spirit realm is real; more real than this earthly realm! "We wrestle NOT against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." It is NOT your mom's DNA that makes you prone to addictions, it is NOT your genetic line that causes you to hate, and it is NOT because of your mom or dad that you treat others the same way you were treated. Listen closely...whether you choose to believe it or not, your battle is 100% spiritual. Satan has had demons assigned to you and the people of your past; to take notes on your weaknesses so that he can try to get you deeper into bondage. His easiest way of doing this....convincing you that "it's just the way you are"! If he can keep you believing that it's not a spiritual matter, then he can keep you from fighting against it.

Whatever parents experience in their own lives that they have not dealt with, will with certainty affect their children. Not just fear; if you weren't told you were loved as a child, you will likely not tell your children you love them. If you weren't shown physical affection as a child, you will likely not show physical affection in relationships. If your parents were dictators, abusive, didn't affirm you, told you you'd never be successful and a list of other things, you will likely treat others the same way. This will happen because Satan knows people will cling to "I got it from my mom" instead of facing the truth; that it is 100% a spiritual matter, and until those issues are faced head on and dealt with, the path of destruction will only continue throughout generations to come.

There is only one answer and it is not medication, therapy or replacement addictions. Though the Lord may use therapy as part of your process to heal, JESUS CHRIST is the ONLY answer. He is the ONLY one who can stop the generational bondage; but He won't do it without your invitation. You do NOT have to stay this way. YOU have the power to decide if you want to stay the way you are and blame everything and everyone else or...YOU can take back the power in the name of Jesus and refuse to accept that's the way you are, by provoking change!

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