
God Does Not Choose Tragedy and Death

In a moment of tragedy, it's the natural response of our emotions to cling to what we feel brings us solace. A lot of us cling to the fact that God must have a reason; but sadly, even more of us hold on to the fact that God must have chosen for it to happen. When disaster strikes or when someone we love passes away, it makes our emotions feel better to believe there is a higher purpose. The truth...is that God did not cause it, nor did He have anything to do with it. 

I realize that I come across as a God fanatic; that I am boisterously outspoken about the gospel, and often times seemingly overbearing about the truth of Jesus Christ. I can't apologize for this because I know what happens to those who don't receive Christ, I know what happens to believers who are under condemnation, and I don't want those things to happen to my friends, family, or anyone else. The spirit realm is real; more real than what we all see here on this earth, it's not a joke, and I have a world-wide vision to give the truth to all man-kind because I love you. I care about your souls after you leave this earth and I care about your quality of life while you're here on it!

The bottom line is that even though God brings good out of every "bad" situation, He doesn't cause the bad situation. He doesn't need to create tragedy to show His glory. He loves you and wants you to have life abundantly; in heaven AND HERE on earth. Satan is real. He hates you and he wants to destroy every area of your life, so that unbelievers will spend eternity with him in Hell and believers will live a life full of guilt and condemnation; never realizing their identity, power, and authority against him. He can only do this if you are NOT fully surrendered to the Lord's will and trusting Him in every area of your life. 

The moment Adam sinned, the world was doomed. It's not fair that because of one man's sin, we have to experience sickness, depression, death, loss, pain, suffering, and everything else negative. However, it's equally not fair that because of one man's obedience, many will be made righteous. Even though I know this won't happen, I still desperately want everyone to take their faith seriously. I have personally experienced what happens when we are living in rebellion, wanting to do things OUR way. It leads to destruction. When you walk away from, ignore, or choose not to follow what the Lord has for you, you open yourself up for Satan to sneak in and destroy your life! The Lord, in His love for and mercy on us, will continue to warn us, discipline us, give us signs to let us know what's about to hurt us, yet we still won't listen. 

Men, this is why your role as a husband is vital. Your responsibility to your wife is not your paycheck, God can handle providing for you both; you are her spiritual covering, her protection from Satan. Parents, it is your responsibility to cover your children in prayer, to teach them about Jesus, His love for them, their identity in Him, and to trust Him. It is to the benefit of all of us to do what the Lord asks, no matter what it looks like, what it feels like or what it leads to. God knows the way that is best and when we ignore Him because we think our way is better, we are in line to take a beating; NOT from the Lord, but from SATAN! Did you know that bad things can even happen to people because of someone else's choices, behavior, and beliefs? In the same fashion, some people's lives have been spared because someone else prayed for them. 

My mom died an unnecessary death; one she could have avoided had she listened when the Lord spoke, but she was tragically insecure; getting her value from people and the things she did. The sad thing is, she knew the Lord was warning her, but she cared more about being accepted by a man than trusting her Daddy in heaven who was trying to protect her from that man! I ended up in the same boat. I lived 35 years seeking approval and affirmation from man, which led to a string of elicit affairs, failed relationships, two divorces, and me being angry that it all happened "to me". The Lord told me that had I continued down that path, Satan would have killed me by my 40th birthday! Satan would have killed me and it would have been because of MY lack of surrender to the Lord! No one wants to hear that we are responsible for our own demise. We definitely DON'T want to hear that our loved ones who have passed are responsible for their demise either, we want someone to blame. But that's how SERIOUS faith is and this is why I am so adamant about it. It has hurt to know my mom could still be alive today if she just would have trusted the Lord. 

EVERYONE has a choice. There are only two choices; life or death. If you choose life by receiving Christ, you have eternal life in heaven and life abundantly here on earth (if you choose to RECEIVE it). If you reject Jesus, you choose death; eternity in hell, and a life full of sickness, mental anguish, deceit, self-denial, loss, pain, suffering and more questions than answers.

Listen, Satan will always be able to attack, but for those who truly believe, follow, and trust; no weapon formed against you will prosper! One day we all will die, but I want you to join me in surrendering to the Lord's will, not your way! I want you to say Yes to His plan, which ultimately includes your strongest desires and passions anyway! I want you to follow Him and trust Him completely. I love you, I care about you, I want not only to see you in Heaven, but I want you to live FREE, in power and authority over everything, I want you to have ALL God has for you. I got fed up with life not going the way everyone said it would if I just did what they said I should, so I chucked everyone else's ideas out the window and am grabbing everything God wants to give me! Come with me and REFUSE TO LET SATAN WIN!



  1. Truly beautiful...if we all do right in Gods eyes Satan will lose. I too have made choices knowing I was doing wrong. I have made choices knowing I was doing right. We can see our choices before us. God Bless you Carissa in all your wisdom and your chosen path.

  2. Praise the Lord Yvonne! The key to "doing right" is trusting the Lord and knowing we already have the victory through Christ!
